
photo of the lgbtqa center

The LGBTQA Center was founded in January 2015 by students who saw the need for more support and space for LGBTQA+ students at Wright State University. We strive to create a more inclusive Wright State University and greater Dayton community. We affirm and celebrate all LGBTQA+ identities and the complex intersections of all identities in our communities. We are open to all and we hope you take some time to stop by and learn more about our many services, programs, and opportunities for community engagement.

Learn more about and register for our educational programs.


Thursday, October 10, 2024, 7 pm to 9:30 pm
Rock Climbing Gym - Student Union
Friday, October 11, 2024, 11 am to 1 pm
019 Student Union
Friday, October 11, 2024, 3 pm to 5 pm
019 Student Union (Culture & Identity Lounge)

View all LGBTQA events

LGBTQA Center Lounge

Our LGBTQA Center Lounge (aka The Rainbow Room) is located in 023D Student Union. 

Learn more about the room.

Social Media

Visit our social media sites to follow our events and updates.


The LGBTQA Center serves all Wright State students, staff, faculty, and alumni through four core tenants: advocacy, community engagement, education, and success. We accomplish these tenants by:

  • Advocacy: We recommend and maintain best institutional policies and practices that ensure the holistic development and success of the LGBTQ and ally communities at Wright State University.
  • Community Engagement: We facilitate cultural programs, advising, and supporting student organizations, and fostering relationships with the greater Dayton community.
  • Education: We produce multiple educational opportunities for the Wright State community to develop a stronger understanding of the complex intersections of identity, culture, and social justice allyship.
  • Success: We provide resources and support that assist and affirm LGBTQ and ally Wright State students, staff, and faculty to persist to their academic and professional goals.


We envision a campus community that is inclusive and affirming of all gender and sexual identities and a campus that is proactive in working to eliminate heterosexism and cissexism through an intersectional and social justice approach.


Emily Jane Yantis-Houser, Ph.D.

Inclusive Excellence
Assistant Director, LGBTQA Center Advisor, Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies
Student Union 023 C, 3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy, Dayton, OH 45435-0001

Campus Pride Index Premier Campus

Wright State University is a premier campus, earning four out of five stars in the Campus Pride Index, a national listing of LGBTQ-friendly colleges and universities. The index is an overall indicator of institutional commitment to LGBTQ-inclusive policy, program, and practice.