
February 21, 2024 - Forward Momentum

photo of provost amy thompsonDear Colleagues,

After an eventful week last week, I would like to express my sincere appreciation and pride I have for this institution and our faculty, staff, and students. The initiatives we began almost 18 months ago have not been easy, and I know how much work you all have contributed. I truly believe that the work we are doing is necessary for our continued success, relevancy, and sustainability. Our students are our first priority, and I see that in you every day. Thank you for your continued dedication, openness, communication, and passion. I appreciate you.

Student Success Champions Accepting Nominations

Nominations for the second annual University Awards for Student Success Champions for staff, faculty, and student employees who have performed exemplary work in student success are due March 6. The awards recognize the nominees’ contributions to programs and services that significantly support and impact student success metrics and student satisfaction.

Learn more about the University Awards for Student Success Champions.

Midterm Grading

Midterm grades for undergraduate courses are due by noon on Wednesday, February 28. Detailed instructions for posting grades can be found on the Registrar’s webpage.

Faculty reporting grades in WINGS Express (and not via Pilot) only need to enter the midterm grade and can ignore the “Last Attend Date” and “Attend Hours” fields.

Grades of Incomplete (I) should only be issued at the end of a term if requested by a student for documented extenuating circumstances that prevented completion of the final part of the course.

Faculty teaching graduate courses are encouraged to submit midterm grades but are not required to do so.

For technical questions about reporting grades (such as reporting from Pilot), contact the CaTS Help Desk at 937-775-4827 or helpdesk@wright.edu.

For additional grading questions, please contact the Office of the Registrar at 937-775-5200 or wsu-registrar@wright.edu.


  1. Today at 4:00 p.m. in the Student Union Endeavour Room is the final round of the 2024 Three Minute Thesis/Dissertation Competition! Students, faculty, and staff are welcome to watch the presentations and enjoy the celebration.
  2. An open house for future undergraduate students will be held on March 9. We encourage you to invite prospective students and their families to attend and learn why it's a great time to be a Raider on:

    Saturday, March 9, starting at 9 a.m. in the Student Union
  3. All students are encouraged to attend the Career and Internship Fair on Wednesday, March 13, from 1:00-4:00 p.m. in the Student Union Apollo Room.

    More than 70 employers are expected to attend the fair, offering opportunities for students of all class levels and all majors to connect with representatives to learn about internships and full-time professional positions.

    Because the number of employers recruiting our students at this spring’s fair has increased, it is essential to have excellent student participation. Please encourage and support your students to attend the fair. Get additional information, including registration.


The presentation and supplemental material for “How Can I Use AI to Create Multimedia Teaching Materials? (PDF)” are available through February 25. This content is provided by Monday Morning Mentors. To access the presentation, use “multimedia52” as the password.

When a Student Needs Support

Wright.edu/help is a great resource for helping students or making referrals. This site contains contact information for emergency or essential departments that can assist your students all in one location.

Have a wonderful week!

Amy Thompson, Ph.D.
Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs