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Enrollment and Degree Verifications

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Enrollment Verification

Wright State University does not complete forms or generate customized letters verifying information otherwise available on an Official Academic Transcript, Enrollment Verification, Degree Verification, or Term Statement with Class Schedule are all available through WINGS.

  • Students with Social Security Number (SSN) associated with their student record may download an Enrollment Verification Certificate via WINGS > Student and Financial Aid > Registration & Records > Enrollment Verification Request to provide verification of enrollment.
  • Students without Social Security Number (SSN) associated with their student record may request an Official Academic Transcript to provide verification of enrollment. 
  • Enrollment verification is not available prior to the start of the term. An Official Academic Transcript or Term Statement with Class Schedule may be provided by the student to third parties to demonstrate pre-registration for a future term.The university does not maintain class rank information or provide character references.

Access and print our policy letter:

Enrollment Verification Policy Letter (PDF)

Common Verification Requests Guide

Verification Type Means of Verification Cost Access Via
Degree Verification:
Official Academic Transcript $10-$12.00 WINGS or Transcript Request at Parchment.com
Degree Verification:
Third Party
National Student Clearinghouse Degree Verification $17.95 www.degreeverify.org
Loan Deferment Enrollment Verification or
Official Academic Transcript
Free or
WINGS or Transcript Request
Enrollment Verification: Current Students Enrollment Verification or
Official Academic Transcript
Free or
Enrollment Verification: Former Students Enrollment Verification or Official Academic Transcript Free or $10-$12

Enrollment Verification at https://www.myhub.org/home

Transcript Request at Parchment.com

Enrollment Verification: Third Party National Student Clearinghouse Enrollment Verification $2.50 www.degreeverify.org
Academic Good Standing,
Eligibility Status
Official Academic Transcript $9.25 WINGS or Transcript Request
Good Student Auto Insurance Enrollment Verification or Official Academic Transcript Free or
WINGS or Transcript Request
Insurance Forms See Enrollment Verification for Current/Former Students
Scholarship Verifications Term Statement with Class Schedule or Printable Schedule or
Official Academic Transcript
Free or
WINGS or Transcript Request
Mode of Instruction,
Campus of Instruction
Office of the Registrar Free wsu-registrar@wright.edu
Letter of Non-Attendance Letter to confirm no coursework completed at Wright State needed for admission to another institution Free Non-Attendance Letter Request

Enrollment Verification via WINGS

Log into your WINGS account to obtain an Enrollment Verification (Wright State students only). The Enrollment Verification Request can be found in your Student Registration and Records menu.

You will be transferred to National Student Clearinghouse’s student self-service website. You will not need to log in a second time. Follow the instructions to generate your enrollment verification. If National Student Clearinghouse can confirm the enrollment, the response is immediate and you will be able to print and/or obtain a PDF version of the verification. National Student Clearinghouse will contact the registrar’s office for additional information if it cannot immediately verify your enrollment.

This service is free for Wright State students with a Social Security Number (SSN) on file. If student does not have an SSN, another means as noted above will be required for verifying enrollment.

Non-Student or Third-Party Enrollment Verification Requestors

Wright State has contracted with the National Student Clearinghouse to process enrollment verification requests and provide electronic responses to interested third parties.

Visit the National Student Clearinghouse website at www.enrollmentverify.org for service. If the National Student Clearinghouse can confirm the enrollment, the response is immediate and you will be able to print and/or obtain a PDF version of the verification. A fee will be collected for this service.

If assistance is needed, call the National Student Clearinghouse directly at 703-742-4200 or email enrollmentverify@studentclearinghouse.org. Customer Service Hours: Mondays through Thursdays, 9 a.m.–7 p.m., and Fridays, 9 a.m.–5 p.m.

Ohio Unemployment Application - School Representative Questions

If you are completing the online form:

The fields you are being requested to populate via the online process cannot be completed by a representative from Wright State. Please copy and paste the answers below:

Q: Is this student attending all scheduled classes and making satisfactory progress?

A: See uploaded Enrollment Verification

Q: School representative Name and Title

A: See uploaded Enrollment Verification

Q: School Representative contact information

A: See uploaded Enrollment Verification

Q: School Representative signature and date

A: See uploaded Enrollment Verification

Near the end of the application, you will be able to upload your Enrollment Verification. You may access your National Student Clearinghouse Enrollment Verification via WINGS. Upload the PDF when prompted.

If you are completing a paper form:

Provide a printed copy of your National Student Clearinghouse Enrollment Verification, which you may access via WINGS.

Wright State does not complete forms or generate customized letters verifying information otherwise available on an official academic transcript, enrollment or degree verification, or student Term Statement with Class Schedule, available through WINGS. You may print/provide this letter as proof of the university policy.

Degree Verification

Wright State has contracted with the National Student Clearinghouse to process degree verification requests and provide electronic responses to interested third parties that need verification of degrees awarded by the university.

Visit the National Student Clearinghouse website at www.degreeverify.org for service. If the National Student Clearinghouse can confirm the degree, the response is immediate and you will be able to print and/or obtain a PDF version of the verification. A fee will be collected for this service.

If assistance is needed, call the National Student Clearinghouse directly at 703-742-4200 or email degreeverify@studentclearinghouse.org. Customer Service Hours: Mondays through Thursdays, 9 a.m.–7 p.m., and Fridays, 9 a.m.–5 p.m.