Staff Senate

Retreat Initiatives

In May, Staff Senate held a half day retreat to get together for a broad, collaborative discussion about initiatives that Staff Senate could pursue or bring forward. Out of this discussion came a collaborative document outlining the ideas presented.

This document has been shared with University Administration and further discussion continues on what could be pursued and supported by Staff Senate. Some ideas are already in motion and Staff Senate is working to move them forward. Additionally, some have already begun by other areas of the university and Staff Senate has offered support for those as well.

At this time, we'd like to continue the collaborative efforts of this and invite all Staff into the process. The report is now shared through the link below (use your w# to log on). If you have any feedback, please reach out through the Suggestions form on our website. Additionally, if you are interested in working on anything identified on the report, please reach out.

Staff Senate Retreat Initiatives (PDF) campus username and password required

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