Graduate Programs Open House

Mission and Vision

photo of commencement ceremony in the nutter center

Mission Statement

We empower all students to excel in their lives and chosen careers through integrated learning, research, innovation, and experience.

Vision Statement

To be a diverse, inclusive university that positively transforms the educational, economic, and social fabric of the communities we serve.

Mission and Vision Statement approved by Faculty Senate, February 14, 2022.

Diversity Statement

Wright State University celebrates diversity. Our daily life is made rich by the diversity of individuals, groups, and cultures. The interplay of the diverse stimulates creativity and achievement in all facets of our existence.

Respect, tolerance, and goodwill are the keystones to enjoying the diversity of our world. We are all linked to each other in a world created for all of us to share and enjoy. Each member of humanity has a potential contribution to make to the whole. It is our duty to encourage and promote that contribution.

Wright State University is committed to achieving an intellectual, cultural, and social environment on campus in which all are free to make their contribution. We will achieve an environment in which every student may think, learn, and grow without prejudice, without intimidation, and without discrimination. We will achieve an environment in which personal dignity and respect for the individual are recognized by all.

Wright State University promotes the acceptance and appreciation of every individual regardless of race, gender, age, ethnicity, ability or disability, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, religious affiliation, or national origin. We encourage appropriate activities and events that foster learning about the diversity of our world.

Wright State University will be a model for our geographic region, exemplifying that a human community can exist that celebrates diversity, enjoys the richness that diversity brings to our lives, and grows stronger with every new member.

Adopted by the Wright State University Board of Trustees, March 28, 1991.

Ethics Statement

Wright State University's goal of excellence and its dedication to innovation in teaching, research, and service rest upon an individual and a collective commitment to ethics. The purpose of this statement is to provide general guidelines for strengthening the integrity of the university. It sets forth basic principles for enabling the university to accomplish its mission and serves the public interest in an ethical way.

This statement also identifies a basic process for integrating these principles into the institution's culture. The university expects the administration, the faculty, the staff, and the students to exemplify these principles in their words and actions.

To guide the conduct of the university community, Wright State University endorses the following principles:

Honesty - Members of the university community will be guided in all their activities by a high regard for truth.
Respect - Members of the university community will show concern for the individuality of others and their ideas.
Justice - Members of the university community will treat others fairly.
Accountability - Members of the university community will be responsible stewards of the public trust.

To integrate these principles into the institution's culture and to encourage ethical conduct, Wright State University is committed to an ongoing process which will involve the creation of a standing advisory and resource committee to support ongoing formal ethics education, and to assist the university in developing ethics policies and procedures.

Adopted by the Wright State University Board of Trustees, March 28, 1997.