Raider Open House

June 30, 2020 - Fall return to campus plan

Dear Wright State family and friends,

I hope you and your families are both healthy and safe. I have good news to share today.

Wright State University’s Dayton and Lake Campuses plan to return to teaching for 2020 fall semester on August 24 with a dynamic and flexible mixture of in-person and remote courses.

As I have continued to enforce since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the safety and wellness of students and employees has been our number one priority and always will be as we make our decisions. We are taking extra precautions to keep our students, faculty, employees, and visitors safe. We will continue to monitor the pandemic in partnership with Greene and Mercer County Public Health Departments and the State of Ohio and we will comply with guidelines and mandates as they evolve.

We have had a dedicated team of faculty, staff, and students that has diligently worked with state and local health authorities, as well as the other higher education institutions in Ohio to develop comprehensive policies and protocols for a fall return to our campuses. I want to thank all of those who have worked so hard for their efforts and concern and for getting us to where we are today. Our faculty and staff have been flexible and innovative. And our students are amazing and resilient. I can’t thank you all enough for your patience.


We will welcome our students who are able and who choose to participate in an on-campus experience for fall semester to do so. Our fall course offerings will utilize a combination of remote, hybrid-flexible, and safe, socially distant, in-person on-campus classes. Our aim is to ensure the best experience for our students, taking into account space, scheduling, pedagogical, and health concerns for all students and employees.

At this time, the university conservatively estimates that one-third of classes will have in-person components while the majority of in-person classes will also deliver all content remotely to provide flexibility to students who are unable or do not feel comfortable returning to campus. Details of which courses will be on campus and which will be remote are being finalized and will be communicated to the campus community in the coming weeks.

Fall semester will start on schedule August 24. Beginning November 25, the start of Thanksgiving break, all classes will move to fully remote delivery for the rest of the semester. Final exams will be taken remotely, and at this stage, Commencement is planned for December 12. Additional details about academics.

Residence Life and Housing:

All of our residential housing communities will be open for fall semester (with reduced occupancy) for students who want to live in one of Wright State’s residence halls or on-campus apartments. This includes Lake Campus.

Residence Life and Housing staff have been planning all summer long and are taking extra precautions during the 2020-2021 academic year to ensure the health and safety of all of our campus residents and will abide by public health and state mandates.

Unfortunately, we will not be able to hold our usual Move-In Day but instead will have staggered arrivals over several days. Our housing staff have worked with Student Health Services and Wright State Physicians to monitor our students’ health and have thorough plans in place for self-isolation and quarantine in the event of a COVID-19 illness. Additional details about Residence Life and Housing.


Some researchers voluntarily began working in their laboratories in a phased approach this summer. All returning researchers will complete COVID-19 specific training and follow Environmental Health and Safety protocols, including face coverings, social and temporal distancing, hygiene, personal health assessments, and enhanced lab management. Only research that requires the use of campus facilities is currently being conducted on campus. General office activities, data analysis, and writing continue to be done remotely in order to minimize the number of staff in the research buildings at any time. Additional details about research.


Beginning July 6, Wright State will begin resumption of athletics practices. This will be conducted in a systematic and controlled nature, following strict public health protocols. Fall sports, along with basketball, will participate in the initial introduction phase. Spring sports will follow as the reopening progresses. Additional details about Athletics.

Facility safety and security:

The Wright State Facilities Management and Campus Operations team has worked hard to achieve a safe and clean learning environment for our students in anticipation of the start of fall semester. Our facilities team has been thoroughly cleaning and disinfecting surfaces and objects to reduce the risk of exposure. High-touch points, including door handles, elevator buttons, and handrails that are touched by multiple people will be frequently disinfected.

We will provide guidance to ensure a minimum of six feet distance between people. We will also provide transaction shields or barriers in campus areas where frequent person-to-person interaction occurs. Occupancy limits will be in place for restrooms and elevators. Additional details about facility safety and security.


Our provost, deans, and other campus leaders are working on individualized plans to bring academic campus services and offices back as needed in a way that supports our students' success and keeps the health and safety for all students and employees as priorities. You’ll hear more about this as we get closer to fall semester.

Healthy protocols for those on campus:

Please understand when you come to campus, it will feel different. There will be new protocols that we all must follow to keep our campus community safe. These include social distancing, daily health assessments, hand washing, cleaning surfaces, and face coverings. These guidelines are in line with recommendations from the Ohio Department of Health, Greene and Mercer County Public Health, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Read Wright State’s health and safety protocols.

As we begin returning to campus, all faculty, staff, students, and visitors are expected to comply with all safety policies, protocols, and guidelines to keep our Wright State family safe. We are all in this together, and I know I can count on you. I’m looking forward to fall semester and can’t wait to see students and colleagues on campus again!

Take care and stay safe,
