Board of Trustees

Appendix: Bylaws Style Guide


Capitalization - Proper Names

Proper names are always capitalized.

The title of a position is capitalized when it precedes the name of the person who holds the position. Titles are not capitalized when they follow names.

  • Wright State University President Sue Edwards
  • Sue Edwards, president of Wright State University
  • Chief Operating Officer Greg Sample
  • Amy Thompson, provost
  • Sean Cully, vice president and general counsel


Board of Trustees, Committees, and Policies

Used as a proper name, Board of Trustees and WSU Trustees are capitalized, as are committee and policy names, such as Finance, Audit, Governance and Compliance committee or Financial Governance policy. The word committee is not capitalized.

The following capitalizations are used in reference to titles of members of the board:

  • Trustee Janice Copeland
  • Chair Alex Evans
  • Compensation Committee Chair DeAndre Jenkins

When not in reference to a specific person, capitalizations of board titles are not used:

  • The vice chair called the meeting to order.
  • Each new trustee completes an orientation session.

“Board of Trustees” is capitalized when referring to the WSU Board as a governing body. However, “board”, and “trustee” are not capitalized when used by themselves.

The word “bylaws” is not capitalized.