Board of Trustees

Article IV: University Faculty


Section 1: Membership

A.   As used in these bylaws, the term “faculty” shall include persons with regular tenure-track, regular clinical, regular research, auxiliary, and faculty titles on full or part-time appointments with or without salary.

B.   For purposes of the authorities described in Section 2 of this Article, the term “University Faculty” includes the president, senior vice president of academic affairs and provost, academic officers, and personnel who hold full-time positions within the university with the following ranks:

1.   University professor

2.   Professor

3.   Associate professor

4.   Assistant professor

5.   Senior lecturer or clinical assistant professor

6.   Lecturer or clinical instructor

7.   Instructor

8.   Clinical associate professor and clinical professor of School of Professional Psychology

C.   Part-time appointees, fellows, assistants, and acting, visiting, voluntary, research, clinical, and adjunct appointees shall participate in the collective decisions of the university faculty only insofar as the faculty shall authorize such participation, with the concurrence of the university president, according to the faculty constitution.


Section 2: University Faculty, Powers

A.   The faculty shall act upon all matters of routine faculty business in pursuance of already established university policies.

B.   Graduate Faculty. There shall be established a graduate faculty with such membership and having such authority and responsibility as recommended by the faculty senate and approved by the president.

C.   College and department or school faculties. There shall be established college and department or school faculties with such membership and having such authority and responsibility as recommended by the faculty senate and approved by the president.


Section 3: Appointment of Faculty

A.   Within parameters set forth by action of the Board of Trustees, the president and/or their designee(s) shall have authority to appoint and set compensation for such other faculty as are necessary to carry out effectively the operation of the university and delegate functions to them with the authority necessary for their proper discharge. In addition, all appointments of rank for non-tenure eligible administrators shall be granted by the Board of Trustees.


Section 4: Responsibility to Department Chairs

A.   All members of the faculty shall be responsible to the chair of their department (or to the director of their school) and through the chair or director to the dean and the provost, for the faithful and efficient performance of their duties.


(Board approval dates: June 14, 2024)