Board of Trustees

Article VII: Bylaws, Policies, Promulgation, Amendment, Repeal


Section 1: Bylaws

A.   Statement of Purpose. Wright State University Bylaws provide a general framework for the functioning of the Board of Trustees as a governing body and for the organization, administration, and operation of Wright State University.


Section 2: Bylaws Adoption, Amendment, and Repeal

A.   These bylaws may be adopted, amended, or repealed by a majority vote of voting trustees then in office, at any regular, special, or emergency meeting of the board called for such purpose, the notice of which having specified that amendment or repeal of the bylaws is to be considered.

B.   The bylaw change process shall be managed by the Finance, Audit, Governance, and Compliance committee.

C.   Previous enactments of the board. Nothing contained within these bylaws shall invalidate any lawful action taken under any bylaw, resolution, rule, policy, or other legal authority for the government of the university previously enacted by the Board of Trustees.


Section 3: University Policies

A.   The Board of Trustees may augment these bylaws with detailed university policies for the efficient organization, administration, and operation of the university. Ultimate policymaking authority for the university rests with the Board of Trustees.

B.   University policies may be promulgated, amended, or repealed by majority vote of the voting trustees at any regular meeting.

C.   The president, as the board’s chief executive officer, is hereby authorized to adopt, amend, or repeal university policies, other than those policies established by the Board of Trustees.

1.   The president shall not adopt or amend university policies that conflict with those university policies adopted by the board.

2.   The president shall make a list of any new, amended, or repealed university policies available to the board in writing when exercising the policymaking authority conferred by this section.

3.   The president may delegate their policymaking authority under these bylaws, in general, categorically, or with respect to specific matters, as the president deems necessary or desirable for the efficient and productive operation of the university.

D.  The faculty, acting through the Faculty Senate, shall have authority to recommend educational and academic policies to the president.


Section 4: Supremacy.

A.   In the event of a conflict between any provision of these bylaws and any applicable provision of Ohio law, the latter shall take precedence.


Section 5: Effective Date of Implementation

A.   These bylaws shall be in full effect as of the date of their enactment by the Board of Trustees, or upon such date as specified by the Board of Trustees.

B.   When amended, the Board shall approve individual bylaw articles in their entirety and record the date of approval at the end of each article.



(Board approval dates: June 14, 2024)