Career Hub

Justin Myers

Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Recognition Year: 

Nomination submitted by Dr. Silvia Newell, Earth and Environmental Sciences.

Justin Myers began working as a Research Technician in the biochemistry lab over a year ago. His natural aptitude for more meticulous work with chemicals, math, and machinery quickly became apparent. He currently functions as a lab manager and is in charge of lab equipment.

Justin has saved the lab thousands of dollars in equipment repairs by diagnosing and repairing problems with some very sensitive lab equipment. He can take apart, repair, and reassemble sensitive lab equipment such as the mass spectrometer.

Although an undergraduate, he has trained all of the graduate students on the lab equipment and is the “go-to-guy” for troubleshooting and repairs of the lab equipment. The graduate students seek him out to answer questions about lab protocols and nutrient data.

He also excels in the field and will go the extra step without being asked, wading out in a river to collect cores or fixing the meters when they break in the field.

Justin is very dedicated. He will work extra hours to help other students, volunteers to stay late to finish a project and frequently comes in early to run more samples.

Justin has a deep appreciation for the natural environment. He is an enthusiastic nature photographer and one of his photographs was published in the 2016 Ohio Travel Guide.

Congratulations Justin!

Special thanks to this year’s selection committee:

  • Julia Acosta, Program Coordinator, Leadership Studies in Education;
  • Ryan Black, Budget Manager, Associate Provost;
  • Chris Hogan, Assistant Director, Community Standards and Student Conduct.

Congratulations to all nominees and thank you to all those supervisors who nominated their exceptional student employees.