Career Hub

Nicole Kahle

Department of Biological Sciences
Recognition Year: 

Nominated by Jacqueline Neal, Director of Biology and Pre-Health programs.

Exemplifying reliability, quality of work, initiative, professionalism, and uniqueness of contribution.

Nicole has worked for the Department of Biological Sciences for three and a half years in the Biology and PreHealth Student Services office. Nicole's outgoing and friendly personality quickly led to increased responsibilities in the very busy, high call volume, advising center. She immediately adapted to scheduling appointments for multiple advisors, creating newsletters to assist in communications between the department and students, implementing a new filing system for undergraduate files, and maintaining information sheets and curriculum guides for all undergraduate and graduate students.

Jacqueline Neal, Director of Biology and Pre-Health programs who has directly supervised Nicole during her student employment wrote in her nomination letter, “Nicole's responsibilities have not ended there. With her own interest in health care (she’s a majoring in Nursing), Nicole has approached things from a student’s perspective and has helped to develop a new website and organize seminars and workshops, including the annual “Path to Health Professions” event. This event hosts over 400 high school students and admission representatives from around Ohio. Because of Nicole’s contributions, these programs have soared to greater heights and current and future WSU students will benefit from her hard work and dedication.”

Nicole’s commitment, loyalty, passion and bubbly personality are qualities truly valued by faculty, staff and students. With her strong work ethic and ability to multi-task, she serves as a role model and mentor to other student employees.

Nicole grew up on a farm in the small town of Glandorf, Ohio and is a graduate of Ottawa-Glandorf High School. She is planning to graduate in June and pursue a career in nursing, specializing in a high acuity field.

Nicole was recognized at a reception in Millet Hall on Tueday, April 14, during National Student Employment Week. Nicole is a “one-of-a-kind” and truly deserves this recognition. Congratulations, Nicole!

A special thanks to this year's selection committee:

  • Kenneth L. Rosengarten, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Teacher Education, Lake Campus;
  • Barbara A. Conklin, Office Assistant, University Libraries;
  • Matthew Thomas Skira, Community Director, Hamilton Hall Office.

Congratulations to all nominees!

Thank you to those supervisors who participated in this year's program and nominated their excellent student employees:

2009 Student Employee of the Year Nomination List

Student Name

Supervisor Name


Jonathan Beightler

T. David Jones

Center for Urban and Public Affairs

Kurt Brickner

Leona Gray and Erika Delgado

School of Professional Psychology

Chiadika Joseph Chiobi

Nycia Bolds

University Center for International Education

Daniel Hellmund

Dr. Gary Pacernick

English Department

Stephanie Judd

Nick Kizirnis

Office of Communications and Marketing

Rachel Kronenburger 

Dawn McClary

Office of Undergraduate Admissions

Ryan Miller

Aaron Long

Student Union Event Services

John Monroe  

Wendy Chetcuti

Police Department

Andrea Palsgrove

Ulysses Drinks

Office of Communications and Marketing

Emily Faith Parker

Teresa Kramer

Payroll Department

James G. Rehl

John White

Office of the Controller

Stacy Richardt           

Eve M. Wolf, Ph.D.

Office of Academic Affairs

Melissa Tynan

Deborah Garber

College of Science and Mathematics

Annika Vorhes

Martin Kich, Ph.D.

English Department, Lake Campus

Holley Wolfe

H. Roger Fulk

Office of Information Systems, Lake Campus