Biomedical Engineering

You can study in a specialized area of biomedical engineering at Wright State, including bioinstrumentation, biomaterials, biomechanics, medical imaging, orthopedic engineering, rehabilitation engineering, and systems physiology. Choose from two curriculum options—the traditional ABET-accredited degree program or a second option that prepares you to apply for medical school or other medical/health science graduate programs. Your future employment opportunities include, among others, designing and testing artificial organs, electrical muscle stimulators, drug delivery systems, artificial joints, prosthetics, and medical imaging technologies. Earn your Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees or complete both in a five-year span in our 4+1 program.

What we offer

Combined Biomedical Engineering, BS & Biomedical Engineering, MSBME

Combined Biomedical Engineering, BS & Industrial and Human Factors Engineering, MSIHE