Jeff Ayres - Mercy Health Urbana
Jeff Ayres has been at Mercy Health Urbana for five years now, and he exudes, “I love my job; I love the people I work with; I love what I do; and I love the self-satisfaction that I get from helping someone.” A winner of the First-Year Rookie of the Year Award and the Daisy Award, Jeff credits his growth in the nursing profession to the guidance and mentoring from the experienced nurses he has been working with. As he begins working as a preceptor for newer, less-experienced nurses, he feels the satisfaction of being able to pay it forward. “Now I’m able to pass on the information that I received from my mentors onto the nurses that I’m mentoring.” As he gives direct patient care, Jeff demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of the art and science of nursing, and a strong desire to use this knowledge to improve the delivery of patient care. By his example, Jeff encourages and motivates others as a role model for the profession of nursing.