American Marketing Association at WSU: Wright Brothers Day

Thursday, October 3, 2024, 11 am to 2 pm
Wright State, Student Union Atrium
Current Students

Come down to Wright Brothers Day to celebrate the day the Wright Brothers took their first flight out of Dayton! The event will take place on October 3rd from 11am-2pm. The event will be filled with interactive booths and trivia, and will include companies in your field of interest. The booths included in the event are:

- Wright Brothers History Trivia Board.

- EduGate (social data gateway/AI).

- AFRL GRILL (video and VR game development).

- The Center for Genomics Research (real time sequencing of mRNA).

- Cybersecurity training program.

- Hyphen Innovations (aerospace/ engineering).

- Biomedical Engineering (3D scanning of Cardiac or Brain).

- Hydrology and Climate Change (effect on plants and animals).

- WSU Nursing Simulation.

- EZkin Factory View (data driven product planning).

- Drone Express (Drone delivery).

- Dayton Photonics (wifi-enabled fiber optics).

- Total Contact (Custom burn mask).

- Dropped Head Syndrome Brace Biomechanics.

- Biomedical Engineering (pacemaker battery life monitor).

- WSU Neuroscience and Cognitive Lab (PTSD Neuro-eval).

- NeuroLab (Nerve-driven robotic law).

- Seer Consulting (AI Demo).

- AMA Marketing Club (Marketing through the Ages).


If you are interested in the event, or setting up the booth for the event, feel free to contact our team:

- Kendall Goodrich,

- Victoria Smith,


For information, contact
American Marketing Association at WSU

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