Association for Computing Machinery: ACM General Meeting

Friday, September 13, 2024, 2 pm to 3 pm
405L Russ Center
Current Students

ACM is holding its first general meeting this Friday, Sept. 13 at 2:00pm in 405L Russ Center (Dean’s office Tait Conference Room). This meeting is open to everyone, including those who are curious and might be interested in joining ACM!

This semester, a heavy focus of ACM is to ramp up student involvement. A large part of those efforts include promoting several events we're hosting this semester:
NCL, the National Cyber League. This cyber security contest pits students across the nation against each other with a wide range of cyber security challenges, with both individual and team games. No previous experience required.
Homelab workshop series. This workshop series is aimed at allowing students to discover how they can *use* the knowledge they have or will be learning in their CS/CEG degrees for their own benefit. Turn that old laptop or desktop computer of yours into a server within your own home, letting you safely experiment and host your own services!
Programming contest this October. Each year ACM hosts our annual programming contest where students compete to solve programming challenges and win prizes!

During this meeting, we'll be discussing present and future events we're hosting this semester, brainstorming ideas for the next hackathon, and more. Everyone is welcome to join us, no commitment required.

We hope to see you there!

For information, contact
Association for Computing Machinery

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