Campus Recreation: Group Fitness: Pilates w/ Maddy

Wednesday, April 23, 2025, 9:30 am to 10:30 am
Studio C
Current Students

All levels of fitness experience levels are welcome! Fitness classes are FREE for all students and recreation members.


Please register online OR the Wright State Recreation App to reserve your spot in class today.  Online registration closes 1 hour prior to class starting, walk-ups are available but subject to being waitlisted based on class size. If no one is registered, class is subject to be cancelled.

Class: Pilates w/ Maddy

Time/Day: Wednesdays 9:30 - 10:30 AM

Location: Studio C

Instructor: Maddy

Based on Joseph Pilates’ principles of Contrology, this class offers a core-focused, low-impact workout that will help to improve posture and mobility of the spine and hips and consist of muscular strength and endurance movements. Flexibility exercises are also included. Please register for each class you plan to attend.



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  Facebook, Instagram, Twitter: @WrightStRec 

For information, contact
Campus Recreation

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