Campus Recreation: Group Fitness: Pilates/Barre w/ Risha

Monday, April 28, 2025, 7:15 am to 8:15 am
Studio C
Current Students


All levels of fitness experience levels are welcome! Fitness classes are FREE for all students and recreation members.


Please register online OR the Wright State Recreation App to reserve your spot in class today.  Online registration closes 1 hour prior to class starting, walk-ups are available but subject to being waitlisted based on class size. If no one is registered, class is subject to be cancelled.

Class: Pilates/Barre w/ Risha

Time/Day: Mondays 7:15 - 8:15 AM

Location: Studio C

Instructor: Risha

Pilates Mix introduces signature moves that are informed by ballet conditioning and dance movements. Isometric contractions, where we hold the body in challenging poses such as Plank or single-leg balances, are ideal, functional moves for men and women, at every age. These moves improve balance, our sense of mind to muscle connection, proprioception (where the body is in space) and coordination - skills and strengths that enable strong, lean, healthy bodies at every age, for life.


Share your experience and follow us at @WrightStRec



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  Facebook, Instagram, Twitter: @WrightStRec 


For information, contact
Campus Recreation

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