Novelist Donald Ray Pollock Reading: WSU English Department's Visiting Writer Series

Wednesday, April 19, 2017, 12:30 pm to 2 pm
Student Union: Room 108: Pathfinder Lounge
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Donald Ray Pollock is an American writer. The Devil All the Time, his first novel, was published in 2011. His work has appeared in various literary journals, including Epoch, Sou’wester, Granta, Third Coast, River Styx, The Journal, Boulevard, Tin House, and PEN America. His newest book, a novel called The Heavenly Table, was published by Doubleday in July, 2016. The stories in Knockemstiff feature a cast of characters who are woebegone, baffled, and depraved—but irresistibly, undeniably real. Rendered in the American vernacular with vivid imagery and a wry, dark sense of humor, these thwarted and sometimes violent lives jump off the page at the reader with inexorable force. . . . Donald Ray Pollock presents his characters and the sordid goings-on with a stern intelligence and a bracing absence of value judgments. . . . Knockemstiff is a genuine entry into the literature of place.

“A wild, rollicking and wonderfully vulgar novel, but the people of ‘The Heavenly Table’ sure are hungry. All is not easy, least of all for the famished, and it is distinctly refreshing to read contemporary American fiction that concerns itself with such a fundamental problem of existence.” ~ The New York Times, Alexander Maksik


Sponsored by the Creative Writing Program and the WSU English department. For more information, please contact Byron Crews at

For information, contact
Byron Crews
Senior Lecturer Wright State English Department
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