WSURA Presents: Carillon Historical Park Tour

Tuesday, November 9, 2021, 10 am to Noon
Carrillon Historical Park, 1000 Carillon Blvd. Dayton, Ohio 45409

Carrilon Historical ParkThe Wright State University Retirees Association presents:

Carillon Historical Park Tour

Join the WSU Retirees Association on a guided tour of Dayton's Carillon Historical Park on Tuesday, Nov. 9, 2021, beginning at 10 a.m. Admission is $9 for visitors aged 60 and over and $11 for visitors under age 60. You may pay at the time of admission. All but two of the buildings in the historical park are easily accessible. Each of those two buildings only has one step to enter. Free parking is available in the park, which is located off South Patterson Boulevard in south Dayton. So we can give the park a head count, please RSVP to Mary Gromosiak by Thursday, Nov. 4, by emailing or calling 937.974.4010.

Carillon Historical Park is a 65-acre open-air history museum that serves as the main campus for Dayton History. The Park is comprised of historic buildings and exhibits concerning the history of technology and the history of Dayton and its residents from 1796 to the present. The major sections include settlement, transportation, invention and industry. Historical elements of the park were the brainchild of Colonel Edward Deeds.

For information, contact
Mary Gromosiak
WSURA Activities Chair
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