WSURA Presents: Exploring my Lebanese heritage, with Abe Bassett
Thursday, October 6, 2022, 11 am to 12:30 pm
Bill Shepard Conference Room, Foundation Building, 3070 Presidential Drive
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Exploring my Lebanese heritage, with Abe Bassett
The WSU Retirees Association will host a talk by Abe Bassett on his journey to learn more about his Lebanese heritage and genealogy, Thursday, Oct. 6, from 11 a.m.–12:30 p.m. in the Bill Shepard conference room on the first floor of the WSU Foundation building at 3070 Presidential Dr. The talk should be of interest to anyone who wants to learn more about their family history and genetic heritage.
Abe recently published Kfeir, the Cradle of Genius, the Largest Small Village in Lebanon, and will reference material from two other books he has published: Abe, Son of Abraham, a memoir, and Memories of Rahija.
Abe Bassett was founding director of Wright State University's Theatre Program, leading the program from 1970-1988. He played a leading role in the design of the Creative Arts Center, which opened in 1973. While at Wright State, Abe is credited with developing one of the finest university theatre programs in the Midwest, and one of the largest in the state of Ohio.
There will be a break midway through the workshop to enjoy Lebanese refreshments. The workshop is free for current WSURA members and their guests, but space is limited so be sure to RSVP early. Email your RSVP by Wednesday, Sept. 30, to Please include your full name and the name of your guest when you respond. We will let you know by email if you have been admitted.
The WSU Foundation Building is located behind Wendy’s Restaurant directly across Colonel Glenn Highway from the main entrance to the campus. Free parking is available in front of and behind the building. For more information, contact Mary Gromosiak at
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