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News from the Wright State University Newsroom

Dec 13, 2014
The Wright State University Nutter Center was packed with a raucous crowd Saturday, though it was not for an athletic endeavor. It was for Fall Commencement.
Dec 11, 2014
Curtis Rowland, who has two engineering degrees from Wright State, is chief scientist at the National Air and Space Intelligence Center.
Dec 8, 2014
The Wright State University Nutter Center will be packed with a raucous crowd Saturday, Dec. 13, at 10 a.m. And though thousands will cross the finish line, it will not be an athletic endeavor.
Dec 4, 2014
Wright State history graduate Lorrie Monteiro is curator of The American Pigeon Museum & Library in Oklahoma City.
Dec 2, 2014
Winter weather came early this year, and it's here to stay whether we like it or not. The November blast of arctic temperatures and heavy snow gave us all a wake-up call.
Nov 24, 2014
Father and son work together at the National Museum of the United States Air Force and in Wright State's Public History program.
Nov 19, 2014
Wright State graduate Anthony D'Souza models counseling center in his native India after the School of Professional Psychology’s Ellis Institute.
Nov 7, 2014
Hemant Purohit, a graduate researcher in the Center of Excellence in Knowledge-enabled Computing (Kno.e.sis), was honored for using social media to help disaster relief.
Nov 5, 2014
Wright State’s music program changes its name to the School of Music to reflect array of degrees and comprehensive music offering.
Oct 19, 2014
Tom Hanks, co-chair of Wright State’s Rise.Shine. fundraising campaign, has a long-running love affair with the university.


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