To comply with Governor DeWine’s directive to Ohio to Stay at Home, Wright State University must continue to restrict access to the Dayton and Lake Campuses to essential employees until the order has expired. Essential employees are those deemed necessary to maintain life (health clinic personnel and caretakers of our research animals and plants), safety, and to check on research equipment. In addition, access to campus is being temporarily granted to persons who need to complete essential tasks on campus before the governor’s order is lifted; for example, faculty and staff who need access to their offices in order to prepare for summer teaching.
Be advised that any person on campus may be stopped and questioned by Wright State Police.
It is imperative to abide by the governor’s Stay at Home order to ensure the maximum number of people self-isolate in their places of residence to slow the spread of COVID-19 to the greatest extent possible. Any additional requests for campus access are being deferred until the directive is lifted.
A Research Subcommittee of Wright State's COVID-19 Task Force will address the process for ramping research back up, which will also only begin after the directive is lifted. Requests to access campus for reasons other than research and summer teaching will be reviewed once a safe process for access has been established.
To slow the spread of COVID-19 continue to follow these safe practices:
- Maintain six-foot distances from others
- Wash hands with soap and water for 20 seconds
- Stagger times of arrival and departure
- Use online and remote methods of communication
- Stay at home as much as possible
- Wear cloth face coverings or masks