Message from the President, March 10, 2020
Dear Campus Community,
With the confirmation of three cases of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (called COVID-19) in Cuyahoga County in northeast Ohio, Wright State University is proactively taking steps immediately to protect the health and well-being of our students and employees and help prevent the spread of the disease. I want to emphasize that no cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed at Wright State's Dayton and Lake campuses.
I understand that the changes that we have to impose will cause measurable disruption, but, according to public health officials, the risk of not acting outweighs the inconvenience of these temporary measures. The safety of our campus community is always our number one priority. Your cooperation and collaboration will help us navigate this rapidly changing matter, and I thank you for your patience and understanding.
One of the best ways to prevent the spread of viral illness is to minimize the circumstances in which individuals may interact and transmit disease. Below are a number of updates related to classes, travel, and campus events that will allow us to continue the education of our students while protecting our community.
All face-to-face classes and the face-to-face components of mostly and partially online classes that were scheduled to meet for the rest of this week are suspended as of midnight tonight, March 10. Faculty members should use the rest of this week to prepare their courses for remote delivery starting next week (Specific information regarding assisting faculty in this transition will follow shortly.)
Classes that are fully online and the online components of mostly and partially online classes will continue as scheduled.
Classes at Wright State will resume via remote learning through Pilot beginning on Monday, March 16. This format will remain in place through at least March 30. Please look for more information from your professors and instructors.
Both the Dayton Campus and Lake Campus operations and administration remain open. On-campus food services and residential housing on the Dayton Campus and Lake Campus, as well as libraries and computer labs will remain open. Students may return to their permanent place of residence or remain in on-campus housing.
All employees are expected to work and should coordinate with their supervisors to determine their work expectations during this time. Student employees should also talk to their supervisor about work expectations during this time. Anyone who feels sick should stay home.
The university will continue to work with our peer institutions and the State of Ohio as we review the situation. We will keep the campus community apprised of updates related to COVID-19.
All official university events, receptions, gatherings, and student activities are suspended until further notice. Athletic events will defer to NCAA and Horizon League guidance.
All university facilities remain open. Researchers may continue working in their laboratories.
All university-sponsored foreign and domestic air travel is suspended until further notice. This includes travel that has received Chrome river pre-approval. In-state travel is still permitted at this time.
Anyone remaining on campus is encouraged to actively practice preventive measures, including appropriate social distancing and good hygiene practices. Please continue to employ these preventive practices to help curtail the spread of all respiratory viruses:
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60 percent alcohol. Always wash your hands if they are visibly dirty.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
- Stay home when you are sick.
- Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
If you are experiencing symptoms of fever, cough, or difficulty breathing, consult a medical professional, particularly if you have traveled to a region with a high incidence of COVID-19 or had close contact with someone who has traveled to those regions and has respiratory symptoms.
Please use common sense judgments when appropriate and, where possible, reduce group work and practice social distancing.
These steps are being taken based upon state recommendation with special guidance from Ohio Governor Mike DeWine. In addition, the Faculty Senate president and AAUP-WSU executive committee members, and other university leaders have been consulted with respect to preparing the aforementioned plan.
We will continue to share information and provide updates through the university's COVID-19 website.
I ask you to support and look out for one another during this stressful time—please ask for assistance if you need it.
I know disruptions and contingency planning can be difficult and stressful. I sincerely appreciate your efforts and cooperation to keep our students, employees, and communities safe as we take these measures to curtail the spread of COVID-19.
Best wishes,
Sue Edwards