Time off policies and Human Resources Business Continuity Guidance for Wright State University employees related to COVID-19
As a follow-up to the email President Sue Edwards sent on Wright State University’s preparations related to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), we are sharing the following time off and business continuity reminders to help manage COVID-19 concerns.
This is an evolving situation. Further updates will be forthcoming as circumstances change. Please know all decisions are being made with the health and safety of our community at the forefront and with the best available guidance from our local public health authorities.
Time off policies: Wright State University’s Sick Leave Policy for fiscal faculty, academic faculty, and staff are generally equipped to handle contagious illnesses. Unless you are faced with an exceptional circumstance, staff and faculty should continue to follow standard university practices for requesting time off.
In addition to using sick time, faculty and staff may also use vacation time, or take unpaid leave when regular work schedules are interrupted due to a school, facility closure, and/or the unexpected absence of a care provider. If you have questions, please talk with your supervisor. Supervisors can contact your HR Business Partner for additional guidance if you need assistance.
Exceptional circumstances: We recognize there may be times when employees require additional support that current policies do not contemplate or accommodate. If you confront a particularly difficult circumstance, your HR Business Partner is available to offer guidance and support.
Employees feeling sick: Employees who feel sick should stay home and get well. If an employee is concerned they may have been exposed to COVID-19, they should follow the guidance provided on Wright State’s coronavirus website (see: What should I do if I feel sick?), which is updated regularly.
Contingency preparations: Please review your unit’s specific essential and non-essential staff position designations. Should the university cease daily operations, essential staff will need to know if they can work remotely or if they are required to report to campus or their work location. Staff in positions that are determined to be non-essential should not report to their work location during suspended operations.
Given the fluidity of this situation, we also ask supervisors to proactively discuss the possibility of remote work. Supervisors have been encouraged to be flexible and creative in considering Flexible Work Arrangement Guidelines so the work of the university continues.
Flexible Work Arrangement Agreement Form (PDF)
Flexible Work Arrangement FAQs (PDF)
HR Frequently Asked Questions:
May I work remotely during this time?
Remote work is being supported where possible. Supervisors, in consultation with their leaders, are to determine roles that can work virtually at home or another location. Employees are expected to manage workloads as if they were on site should they be granted support to be at home. Expectations include conference call availability, forwarding campus phone lines to home or cellphones, responding to emails, working on projects, etc.
Do I have to use my sick time if I am diagnosed with COVID-19 and have to self- quarantine?
Yes. If an employee is sick with COVID-19 (or any other illness) and unable to perform their position duties the employee must use sick time, vacation, compensatory time, or unpaid leave.
Are employees who have been exposed to COVID-19 and been instructed by public health or medical professionals to self-quarantine for 14 days able to use sick time or to work from home during this time?
Yes. If work can be performed at home, the university will allow for paid time as worked. Regular updates or specific expectations from your supervisor may be required. If the employee is unable or does not perform work at home, they may use sick leave, vacation, compensatory time, or unpaid time.
Do I have to notify anyone at Wright State University if I am diagnosed with COVID-19?
This is a personal decision. As an employer, we will abide by all HIPPA regulations/guidelines. However, with regard to the potential to the spread of this virus and the potential impact to others, the university supports an employee’s decision to share their personal situation. Your name will be protected to the best of our ability for privacy purposes, but your work location and/or most recent activities may be shared in the interest of public safety.