Institutional Research & Effectiveness

Reports & Dashboards


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lock-open Public access available


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For help with Power BI (PBI)
View data definitions at University Data Glossary

On this page:

Report data refreshes weekly on Tuesdays at 12 p.m.

Restricted access reports will require a login using your Wright State Campus username and password. If you are unable to log in, please email the CaTS Help Desk or call 937-775-4827.

user-check Admissions

Applicant Tracking (PBI) lock

chart-line Enrollment

Enrollment Tracking (PBI) lock

Weekly Enrollment Trends (PBI) lock

    Institutional combined campus enrollments are reported to Ohio Department of Higher Education (ODHE). This will differ from IPEDS (Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System) enrollment which requires reporting by campus.

    Weekly Student Credit Hour Trends (PBI) lock

    user-friends Faculty and Staff

    landmark Federal and State Reports

    Federal lock-open

    State lock-open

    dollar-sign Finance, Tuition, and Fees

    book-open Programs and Courses

    Weekly Course Registration Trends (PBI) lock

    graduation-cap Student Outcomes

    Dashboard tracks the combined campuses fall-to-fall retention of first-time and transfer student cohorts. Updated weekly, these data can be filtered by campus, status (FT/PT), and degree/certificate category. 

    list Surveys

    check-square University Facts