University Police

Lake Campus Safety

photo of students walking towards a police cruiser on campus

On this page:

About Lake Campus Safety

The Wright State Lake Campus Police Department takes pride in building and maintaining positive relationships within Mercer County and the Lake community and is an extension of the Dayton-Campus Wright State Police Department. The goal of the Lake Campus Police Department is to make the community safer and provide excellent service to the Lake Campus. While the Lake Campus Police Department is an extension of the Dayton campus, our mission and programming are the same, which is to provide a safe and secure campus for the students, staff, and faculty.  Please take the time to read about the services and essentials that the Lake Campus Police Department provides.

Automated External Defibrillator

As a part of Wright State University's overall emergency planning, an Automated External Defibrillator program was established in 2016. AEDs are strategically placed across both the Dayton and Lake campuses to keep an AED within five minutes of a cardiac arrest event.

Many of the AEDs are housed in wall-mounted storage cabinets for easy access. The cabinets are alarmed and when opened, will send a signal to the Public Safety Service Center to alert first responders to a potential emergency. Public Safety also carries AEDs with them as a part of first response.

All Wright State DPS police officers are trained in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and AED usage.

The Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Department oversees the AED at both the Dayton and Lake campuses. Monthly inspections are conducted by Facilities Casualty Prevention personnel.

Reporting potential cardiac emergencies

Report cardiac emergencies on the Dayton campus by calling 911 from any campus telephone and telling the dispatcher the location of the cardiac emergency. To contact University Police from a cell phone, dial 937-775-2111.

Note: If you call 911 from a cell phone, you will be connected with off-campus emergency responders.

Naloxone (Narcan)

The Department of Public Safety in partnership with the Wright State University Mental Health Taskforce and the Ohio Department of Health’s Project DAWN (Deaths Avoidance With Naloxone) has implemented a Naloxone Program at the Dayton Campus.

Naloxone (commonly known as Narcan) is a medication that can reverse the effects of an opiod overdose--substances such as heroin, fentanyl, and prescription pain medications. When administered during an overdose, Naloxone blocks the effects of the opioid on the brain and can quickly restore breathing. Naloxone, if given to a person who is not experiencing an overdose, is harmless. Naloxone can be administered by any trained person.

Naloxone cabinets have been placed at various locations at the Dayton Campus. Public Safety also carries Naloxone with them as part of first response.

The Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) Department oversees the Naloxone program at both the Dayton and Lake campuses. Monthly inspections are conducted by Facilities Casualty Prevention personnel.

Public Safety provides emergency Naloxone treatment training to members of the Wright State community. All participants who receive training by Public Safety are provided with a free Naloxone kit. If you are interested in becoming Naloxone trained, contact Public Safety through the Campus Safety Series.

AED and Naloxone Locations

Dayton Campus (Revised August 23, 2024)


Location AED with Naloxone Kit Naloxone Cabinet Location

AF ROTC Office

In backpack



Allyn Hall

1st floor, near elevators


1st floor, near elevators

Athletic Training Facility

Four units in WSP room 132



Baseball Stadium

Home dugout



Biological Sciences

2nd floor, across from room 235



Brehm Lab

2nd floor, lobby area



Campus Services

Main hallway, near room 143



Creative Arts

Common area, by theatre



Creative Arts

Theatre wing, vending area near commons


Theatre wing, vending area near commons

Creative Arts

Music wing, near back door



Diggs Laboratory

1st floor, across from room 148



Fawcett Hall

1st floor, near elevators



Fine Arts

Beside fire alarm panel near restrooms



Forest Lane

Community center, near activity room


Community center, near activity room

Hamilton Hall

In vending area, near main lobby


In vending area, near main lobby

Health Sciences

1st floor, across from room 117




In hallway, near room 271




Behind circulation desk, on wall near doors


1st floor, on wall leading to study area

Library Annex

On wall, near room 040



Math & Micro

1st floor lobby, near room 120



Medical Sciences

1st floor lobby, near room 120



Millett Hall

1st floor lobby, near room 120



Mini University

Main entryway, beside fire alarm panel



Neuro Science

1st floor, next to elevator in lobby



Nutter Center

1st floor, near ATM and equipment room



Nutter Center

Concourse level, near Gate 5



Nutter Center

Concourse level, outside administration offices


Concourse level, outside Administration Offices

Oelman Hall

1st floor, next to elevator



Police Dept.

Four units in cruisers



Rike Hall

1st floor, lobby area, near elevator



Russ Engineering

Lobby wall, near room 149



Setzer Pavilion

Entry wall to weight room



Soccer Field

Concession stand



Student Success Center

Ground floor, next to elevator



Student Union

Ground floor, Atrium area, beside elevator


1st floor lobby, by Welcome Center

Student Union

1st floor, beside elevator, above Atrium



Student Union

1st floor, by Union Market


1st, floor by Union Market

Tom Hanks Center

Basement, left of elevator, near room 001



University Hall

1st floor, beside elevator



White Hall

1st floor, beside elevator, near front lobby



White Hall

Rear entry lobby



Wright State Physicians

1st floor, wall by Athletico Physical Therapy desk



Wright State Physicians (WPS)

2nd floor, on wall near exam rooms



Wright State Physicians (WPS)

1st floor, on wall in Dermatology Office




Facilities Operations Office, 075 Allyn Hall




Facilities Operations Office, 075 Allyn Hall




Facilities Operations Office, 075 Allyn Hall




Facilities Operations Office, 075 Allyn Hall






Campus Housing, Dayton Campus (Revised August 23, 2024)


AED Location Naloxone Cabinet Location

Forest Lane Community Center

Community center, near activity room (Naloxone equipped)

Community center, near activity room

Hamilton Hall

In vending area, near main lobby (Naloxone equipped)

In vending area, near main lobby

Honors Dorm


Main lobby by CD Office

Village Apartments


2040 Village Dr., 1st Floor Laundry Room



Automated External Defibrillator

As a part of Wright State University's overall emergency planning, an Automated External Defibrillator program was established in 2016. AEDs are strategically placed across both the Dayton and Lake campuses to keep an AED within five minutes of a cardiac arrest event.

Many of the AEDs are housed in wall-mounted storage cabinets for easy access. The cabinets are alarmed and when opened, will send a signal to the Public Safety Service Center to alert first responders to a potential emergency. Public Safety also carries AEDs with them as a part of first response.

All Wright State DPS police officers are trained in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and AED usage.

The Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Department oversees the AED at both the Dayton and Lake campuses. Monthly inspections are conducted by Facilities Casualty Prevention personnel.

Reporting potential cardiac emergencies

Report cardiac emergencies on the Dayton campus by calling 911 from any campus telephone and telling the dispatcher the location of the cardiac emergency. To contact University Police from a cell phone, dial 937-775-2111.

Note: If you call 911 from a cell phone, you will be connected with off-campus emergency responders.

Naloxone (Narcan)

The Department of Public Safety in partnership with the Wright State University Mental Health Taskforce and the Ohio Department of Health’s Project DAWN (Deaths Avoidance With Naloxone) has implemented a Naloxone Program at the Dayton Campus.

Naloxone (commonly known as Narcan) is a medication that can reverse the effects of an opiod overdose--substances such as heroin, fentanyl, and prescription pain medications. When administered during an overdose, Naloxone blocks the effects of the opioid on the brain and can quickly restore breathing. Naloxone, if given to a person who is not experiencing an overdose, is harmless. Naloxone can be administered by any trained person.

Naloxone cabinets have been placed at various locations at the Dayton Campus. Public Safety also carries Naloxone with them as part of first response.

The Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) Department oversees the Naloxone program at both the Dayton and Lake campuses. Monthly inspections are conducted by Facilities Casualty Prevention personnel.

Public Safety provides emergency Naloxone treatment training to members of the Wright State community. All participants who receive training by Public Safety are provided with a free Naloxone kit. If you are interested in becoming Naloxone trained, contact Public Safety through the Campus Safety Series.

AED and Naloxone Locations

Dayton Campus (Revised August 23, 2024)


Location AED with Naloxone Kit Naloxone Cabinet Location

AF ROTC Office

In backpack



Allyn Hall

1st floor, near elevators


1st floor, near elevators

Athletic Training Facility

Four units in WSP room 132



Baseball Stadium

Home dugout



Biological Sciences

2nd floor, across from room 235



Brehm Lab

2nd floor, lobby area



Campus Services

Main hallway, near room 143



Creative Arts

Common area, by theatre



Creative Arts

Theatre wing, vending area near commons


Theatre wing, vending area near commons

Creative Arts

Music wing, near back door



Diggs Laboratory

1st floor, across from room 148



Fawcett Hall

1st floor, near elevators



Fine Arts

Beside fire alarm panel near restrooms



Forest Lane

Community center, near activity room


Community center, near activity room

Hamilton Hall

In vending area, near main lobby


In vending area, near main lobby

Health Sciences

1st floor, across from room 117




In hallway, near room 271




Behind circulation desk, on wall near doors


1st floor, on wall leading to study area

Library Annex

On wall, near room 040



Math & Micro

1st floor lobby, near room 120



Medical Sciences

1st floor lobby, near room 120



Millett Hall

1st floor lobby, near room 120



Mini University

Main entryway, beside fire alarm panel



Neuro Science

1st floor, next to elevator in lobby



Nutter Center

1st floor, near ATM and equipment room



Nutter Center

Concourse level, near Gate 5



Nutter Center

Concourse level, outside administration offices


Concourse level, outside Administration Offices

Oelman Hall

1st floor, next to elevator



Police Dept.

Four units in cruisers



Rike Hall

1st floor, lobby area, near elevator



Russ Engineering

Lobby wall, near room 149



Setzer Pavilion

Entry wall to weight room



Soccer Field

Concession stand



Student Success Center

Ground floor, next to elevator



Student Union

Ground floor, Atrium area, beside elevator


1st floor lobby, by Welcome Center

Student Union

1st floor, beside elevator, above Atrium



Student Union

1st floor, by Union Market


1st, floor by Union Market

Tom Hanks Center

Basement, left of elevator, near room 001



University Hall

1st floor, beside elevator



White Hall

1st floor, beside elevator, near front lobby



White Hall

Rear entry lobby



Wright State Physicians

1st floor, wall by Athletico Physical Therapy desk



Wright State Physicians (WPS)

2nd floor, on wall near exam rooms



Wright State Physicians (WPS)

1st floor, on wall in Dermatology Office




Facilities Operations Office, 075 Allyn Hall




Facilities Operations Office, 075 Allyn Hall




Facilities Operations Office, 075 Allyn Hall




Facilities Operations Office, 075 Allyn Hall






Campus Housing, Dayton Campus (Revised August 23, 2024)


AED Location Naloxone Cabinet Location

Forest Lane Community Center

Community center, near activity room (Naloxone equipped)

Community center, near activity room

Hamilton Hall

In vending area, near main lobby (Naloxone equipped)

In vending area, near main lobby

Honors Dorm


Main lobby by CD Office

Village Apartments


2040 Village Dr., 1st Floor Laundry Room



Available Services

The following are services that the police are equipped to provide to students, faculty, and staff:

  • Safety Escorts
  • Vehicle Unlocks
  • Vehicle Battery Jump-Starts
  • Tire Inflations

Please do not hesitate to call Mercer County Dispatch at 419-586-7724 or contact the Student Services front desk at ext. 0 or 419-586-0300 if you need assistance.

Essentials for Safety on Campus

  • Program the number for Mercer County Dispatch 419-586-7724 in your cell phone.
  • Know where emergency telephones are located on the campus.
  • Cellular phone, landline, emergency telephone, emergency call box, pull station and AED! All are emergency tools and can be used if needed.
  • Know where your cell phone works so it will be an emergency tool for you.
  • Record serial, model numbers, and descriptions of personal property.
  • Lock it when you leave it for apartments and vehicles.
  • Do not leave valuables in your vehicle.
  • Travel in pairs and use the best lit and most traveled paths.
  • Use a safety escort as necessary.
  • Do not bring or consume alcohol on campus.
  • Do not bring guns on campus (Including airsoft and paintball guns).
  • If you find yourself in an active shooter situation, RUN, HIDE, FIGHT.
  • Report suspicious activity on campus at 419-586-7724.

Unused Medication Disposal

As a part of the Jed Campus Initiative (JED), a multi-year program designed to support and enhance the emotional health and well-being of our students, Wright State University Department of Public Safety has partnered with the Mercer County Sheriff’s Office to safely dispose of unused medication. 

Unused or expired medications can pose a risk to our community and the environment. They can also be misused, leading to serious illness, overdose, and even the loss of life. 

The Mercer County Sheriff’s Office provides the Wright State community at the Lake Campus an anonymous, secure, and convenient location to dispose of unused and unwanted prescription and over-the-counter drugs.

Mercer County Sheriff’s Office
4835 State Route 49
Celina, OH 45822

Front Lobby during normal business hours
Monday-Friday: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Acceptable Items

  • Prescription Medications (remove any personal information from the bottle to protect privacy)
  • Over-the-counter Medications

Items Not Accepted

  • Liquids
  • Illegal or “street” drugs
  • Needles, syringes, lancets or sharps containers
  • Medical devices and batteries
  • Aerosol cans and inhalers
  • Mercury-containing devices
  • Radiopharmaceuticals
  • Liquid antineoplastic (chemo) agents
  • Chemotherapy medications or agents

Other disposal locations near Wright State University’s Lake Campus include:  

Ohio CVS Stores, L.L.C.
1020 North Main Street
Celina, OH 45822

For more information on prescription drug disposal locations, please visit the Drug Enforcement Administration’s Diversion Control Division website.

Community Policing Programming

Community Policing Programming is very important. Please let us know what we can do to serve you. We are available to provide educational programming at student organization meetings, in the residence halls, and to off-campus residents. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Contact Information

Officer Tyler Pottkotter
170D Dwyer Hall
7600 Lake Campus Drive
Celina, Ohio 45822

Dispatch: 419-586-7724
Office Phone: 419-586-0249
Fax: 419-586-0358

Wright State Department of Public Safety, Records: 937-775-4167