Graduate Programs Virtual Open House

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Wright State Undergraduate Honors Scholarships

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Scholarships for Incoming First-Year Undergraduate Honors Students (Direct from High School)

Incoming Wright State students can compete for Competitive Honors Scholarships renewable for four years. These awards are for students attending the Dayton Campus. Recipients of the Competitive Honors Scholarships must participate in the undergraduate University Honors Studies program and complete the requirements for graduation as an undergraduate University Honors Scholar

Please visit the First-Year Scholarship webpage for eligibility criteria on Competitive Honors

Wright State University Online Scholarship Application

To apply for the Competitive Honors Scholarships, you must complete the online scholarship application. Access the application in the Admissions Portal.

Other Details

Applicants who do not meet the eligibility requirements will not be considered. Recipients of undergraduate Competitive Honors Scholarships will be notified of award decisions in April. All undergraduate Competitive Honors Scholarships are awarded as funds are available.

Scholarships for Continuing Honors Students (Current Wright State Students)

The undergraduate University Honors Studies program also awards scholarships to continuing Honors students on a competitive basis. All continuing student scholarships are awarded as funds are available. Undergraduate Honors students apply for the Continuing Honors Scholarships by completing the university's online scholarship application.

Scholarships for Transfer Honors Students

Students who transfer to Wright State may be eligible for a renewable transfer scholarship. Please visit the Transfer Scholarships website for additional information. 

Scholarships Requirements

Recipients are expected to:

  • Complete all requirements for graduation as an undergraduate University Honors Scholar.
  • Participate in the undergraduate University Honors Studies program while the award is in effect.
  • Register as a full-time student.
  • Maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher.
  • Earn at least 30 credit hours each academic year (fall/spring).
  • Meet regularly with the associate director of the undergraduate University Honors Studies program to ensure satisfactory progress toward earning the undergraduate University Honors Scholar degree designation. Satisfactory progress includes appropriate completion of honors coursework and written evidence of work on the departmental honors project.

Recipients must complete the lower-level honors courses in a timely fashion. Although individual variations may occur, usually students will be expected to complete at least three Honors courses during the freshman year and three during the sophomore year. The UH 4000 seminar is typically completed during the junior or senior year.

At the end of the junior year, scholarship recipients must present written evidence of work on the Departmental Honors Research experience in the major before scholarship funds are released for the senior year.

Students who fail to comply with any of the above requirements will not receive Competitive Honors Scholarship funds.