Graduate Programs Virtual Open House

Graduate Programs

Three Minute Thesis/Dissertation Competition

photo of a student presenting at the three minute thesis competition

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About the Event


Wednesday, March 12, 2025
2 to 5 p.m.
Student Union Endeavour Room

The Three Minute Thesis/Dissertation Competition is back for 2025!

If you are working on a thesis or dissertation, you may wonder how to explain your research easily and engage your audience. The Three Minute Thesis/Dissertation Competition can be the answer. By participating in this competition, you will develop the best “elevator speech” for effective research communication. You will become confident at job interviews and talking to an intelligent, broad audience.

Important Dates

December 5, 2024, and January 22, 2025, 1-2 p.m.: Q&A Sessions in UH 158.

Noon on February 7, 2025: Deadline for submissions. Detailed requirements are in the "Application Submission" section below.

February 10, 2025: Competitors Announced

February 21, 2025: Electronic Materials Submission Due

February 28, 2025: Final Competition Schedule Released

Wednesday, March 12, 2025, 2-5 p.m.: Final competition, in-person, Endeavour Room.

Final Contenders

Final contenders for the 2025 3MT will be announced on February 3, 2025.


  • Participating students must be enrolled in either a Master's or Ph.D. program in Spring 2025.
  • The student’s program of study must contain an original research project.
  • If the degree program does not formally require a thesis or dissertation, the research topic must be an original research project.
  • Students must compete as an individual. No team competition is allowed.

Application Submission

  • A one-page Research Statement (abstract) is required (max 400 words). The Research Statement (abstract) should include the originality of the research, the research question(s), the research methodology, data analysis, (expected) findings, and impact or significance.
  • When submitting online, specify your category. Select only one of the following categories most appropriate to the topic and methodology of your research. 
    • Science: topics primarily related to science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and medicine.
    • Humanities: topics primarily related to arts, humanities, social sciences, business, and education.
  • All submissions will be examined by iThenticate. Any violation of research conduct will disqualify the submission.
  • Please also refer to the FAQ for more information.

 Rules for First Round and Final Competition

  • No additional electronic media (e.g., sound and video files) are permitted.
  • No additional props (e.g., notecards, scripts, pointers, costumes, musical instruments, or laboratory equipment) are permitted.
  • Each presentation is limited to 3 minutes maximum talking on stage. Competitors exceeding 3 minutes will be disqualified.
  • Presentations are to be spoken word (e.g., no poems, raps, or songs).
  • Presentations are considered to have commenced when a presenter begins through movement or speech.

 Panel of Judges

Judges for the 2025 3MT will be announced soon.

Judges for 2024 3MT

  • Dr. Amy Thompson, Provost
  • William Cvammen, Ph.D. student, Biomedical Science, winner of 2023 3MT
  • Dr. Khalid Elased, Professor, School of Medicine
  • Dr. Steven Higgins, Associate Dean and Professor, College of Science and Mathematics
  • Dr. Madhavi Kadakia, Vice Provost for Research and Innovation
  • Dr. Crystal Lake, Professor, College of Liberal Arts
  • Dr. Yoko Miura, Associate Professor, Director of the Ed.D. Program in Organizational Studies, College of Health, Education, and Human Services
  • Dr. Rachel Sturm, Interim Associate Dean, Associate Professor, Raj Soin College of Business
  • Alysoun Taylor-Hall, Lecturer, College of Engineering and Computer Science

Evaluation and Winners

  • At the First Round and the Final Competitions, a panel of judges will use this rubric to evaluate contenders: 3MT® Competition Judging Rubric (PDF)
  • Successful contenders in the First Round will advance to the Final Competition.
  • At the Final Competition, a panel of judges will select the following winners:
    • One First Place Winner with a $400 award. The winner will also compete at the MAGS regional competition. The College will cover the travel expenses (more details are below).
    • One Second Place Winner with a $300 award
    • One Third Place Winner with a $200 award
  • The decision of the judging panel is final.
  • The award will be processed through WrightBuy after the event. The award is subject to income tax.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What format of presentation is expected?

    For both the first-round and the final competitions, each participant will be allowed to use one PDF slide/page on the screen. The one-page should focus on the “big picture” of the research rather than showing data. If advancing, participants can revise the one-page PDF for the final competition.

  • What type of degree program must I be enrolled in to be eligible?

    You are eligible to compete if you are enrolled in a master’s or doctoral program in Spring 2023. Your degree program must involve a thesis, dissertation, or original research, such as a master’s research project.

  • How far along in my research do I have to be for me to be eligible?

    It is up to each competitor to determine whether they have enough context and results to present their research in a compelling 3MT. If your research does not have results yet, you may focus on what you hope to achieve or the expected outcomes. Please seek your supervisor’s advice on how to present your research best.

  • What happens if my presentation is longer than 3 minutes?

    A countdown timer will be visible to the speaker at the 3MT competition. Presenters who go over 3 minutes will become disqualified. However, we will not interrupt; if you go over, keep talking and finish your presentation.

  • Will there be just a speech, or can we have a PPT presentation too?

    For the final in-person competition, one PDF slide is allowed. No animations or transitions are allowed. The final contenders will receive more information on preparing for the final competition.

  • Will the 3MT open to the public?

    Yes. All Wright State students will receive the invitation to the final competition to be held on February 21. The audience present will be able to vote for a People’s Choice Award. Final contenders are encouraged to invite their fellow students and supporters to the event.

  • Is there a dress code?

    For the final competition, please dress business casual or business. You will be giving a public presentation and will be evaluated by a panel of judges. The dress code should be similar to attending a conference presentation.

  • Can I use palm cards or notes during my presentation?

    Notecards and/or scripts are NOT allowed during the presentation.

  • Can I present my 3MT online/remotely, i.e., on Webex?

    No remotion option is allowed. All final contenders will compete in person and be evaluated by a panel of judges in person.

  • Will I receive feedback from the judges on my 3MT presentation?

    Judges will provide scores on the grading sheets. Judges will be able to provide a brief written comment, if any, on the grading sheets.  After the competition, we will share the brief written feedback with the final contenders. The scores will not be shared.

  • Will the ranking/score be shared with participants?

    No, the judges’ scores are confidential. We will announce the winners but will not share the actual scores.

  • Why will the submissions be reviewed with iThenticate?

    All the submitted documents will be reviewed using iThenticate to determine if the submitted document is original work. Any violation of research conduct will result in disqualification.

  • Can I include references in the summary document?

    Yes, you can include references on a separate page in your summary document.

3-Minute Thesis® Competition at the Midwestern Association of Graduate Schools (MAGS) Conference 2025

MAGS will host the 2025 CGS-affiliate midwestern region competition at the MAGS conference in Indianapolis, IN, from April 2 – 4, 2025. Wright State University will send our first-place winner to the conference. Participants will compete on the final day of the meeting on April 4, 2025. Awardees will be selected and announced at that time. More details can be found at

To take it to another level, the winner of the MAGS competition (midwestern region) will enter the national competition at the Council of Graduate Schools (CGS)'s national conference in St. Louis, Missouri, in December 2025.

Previous Events


The 2024 Three Minute Thesis/Dissertation Competition was held on Wednesday, February 21, 2024. 

First Place Winner

  • Robin Leann Richardson-Coy - College of Science and Mathematics, Environmental Sciences, advisor: Dr. Yvonne Vadeboncoeur 

Second Place Winners

  • Ebrahim Ebrahimi - College of Engineering and Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering, advisor: Dr. Hamed Attariani
  • Nainika Hira - College of Health, Education, and Human Services, Counseling, advisor: Dr. Huma Bashir

Third Place Winners

  • Suvechha Bhandari - College of Science and Mathematics, Biomedical Sciences, advisor: Dr. Ola Kolawole
  • Sri Meghana Yerrapragada - College of Science and Mathematics, Biomedical Sciences, advisor: Dr. Michael Kemp
  • Andrew Robert Young - College of Engineering and Computer Science, Computer Science + Engineering, advisors: Dr. T.K. Prasad and Dr. Nella Ludlow

People's Choice Award Winner

  • Aleena Alex - Boonshoft School of Medicine, Pharmacology + Toxicology, advisor: Dr. Michael Kemp


The 2023 Three Minute Thesis/Dissertation Competition was held on Tuesday, February 21, 2023.

First Place Winner

  • William Cvammen, Ph.D. student, Biomedical Sciences, College of Science and Mathematics, advisor Dr. Michael G. Kemp

Second Place Winners (2)

  • Shikshita Singh, Master student, Pharmacology + Toxicology, Boonshoft School of Medicine, advisor Dr. Jeffrey B. Travers
  • Cassidy Alspaugh, Master student, Biological Sciences, Science and Mathematics, advisor Dr. Shulin Ju

Third Place Winners (3)

  • Ryanne Cimatu, Master student, Biological Sciences, Science and Mathematics, advisor Dr. Silvia E. Newell
  • Mia Williams Burnett, Ph.D. student, Environmental Sciences, Science and Mathematics, advisors Drs. Saber Hussain and Courtney Sulentic
  • Peter Swartz, Ph.D. student, Electrical Engineering, Engineering and Computer Science, advisor Dr. Saiyu Ren

People's Choice Award

  • Vamshi Beemanapalli, Master student, Pharmacology + Toxicology, Boonshoft School of Medicine, advisor Dr. Courtney Sulentic


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