
February 5, 2025 - Further Together

Dear Colleagues,

This afternoon is the first official Homecoming event, the Under the Stars Kick Off from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in the Student Union Atrium. It will feature free food, giveaways, and music to enjoy. As a reminder, the full schedule of events is available at wright.edu/homecoming. This is always a celebratory time and I look forward to seeing many of you throughout the week!

Course Assessment Expectations and Process

The Provost’s Office is developing a holistic process that incorporates course assessment, annual program learning outcome assessment, and academic program review. A specific plan will soon be shared with the deans for initial feedback. At this time, individual course assessment for this spring has been suspended except for general education and multi-section courses. Some colleges or departments may have requirements to continue course assessment for accreditation purposes, and deans or chairs are welcome to set that expectation at the college or program level.

Planning & Self Study’s 2024-25 Course Assessment Plan reflects courses that will be assessed for spring 2025, including Global Traditions, multi-section, and those chairs or deans have identified relevant to accreditation purposes. Faculty assigned as course assessment leads will still see these courses when logging into Planning & Self Study.

Additionally, departments and schools are asked to review their current  course list from the 2025-2026 DRAFT Academic Catalog for accuracy using the instructions below. A list of courses not taught since the 2020-21 academic year (five years) will also be provided for review.

  1. Consider course prefixes connected only to terminated programs. These courses can be deactivated through Curriculog/Curriculum as soon as possible. Doing so by April 1 will remove them from the fall catalog update.
  2. Courses without learning outcomes should be reviewed and updated in Curriculog/Curriculum with outcomes and objectives by April 1, 2027.

Contact Nick Christian, director of assessment and accreditation, with any questions.

Associate to Full Professor Mentoring Program – Deadline Extended

The deadline to apply to the Provost’s Office’s Associate to Full Professor Mentoring Program has been extended through February 15.

Participation is open to all associate professors interested in going up for promotion in the fall of 2025 or 2026. Participation is limited to 15 faculty members and preference will be given to those applicants who have been at the rank of associate professor for five years or more.

Learn more and apply.

ODHE Changing Campus Culture Initiative – Title IX Survey

The Ohio Department of Higher Education (ODHE) has requested all Ohio colleges and universities collect information regarding perceptions of safety from sexual harassment/violence on campus. The questions contained in the survey are part of the ODHE Changing Campus Culture initiative, which supports the work of all Ohio institutions of higher education to end sexual violence.

Participation is voluntary and completely anonymous. The questionnaire takes about five minutes to complete, and you can choose to stop at any time. Your participation is encouraged and will help evaluate, frame, and improve efforts to keep all students and employees safe.

Take the survey: https://wright.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bIUAeR1qCuD3nJs

If you need to speak with someone confidentially or want more information about resources at Wright State, please visit wright.edu/title-ix.

Green and Gold Admitted Student Days: Faculty Involvement

Throughout the spring semester, the Office of Admissions will host four Green and Gold Admitted Student Days. Your involvement during this time is important and encouraged—your deans and college recruiters can provide ways for you to welcome admitted students and families and help us show them what a welcoming and supportive community we foster.

Green and Gold Admitted Student Days will take place on February 18, March 19, April 4, and April 22.

Faculty Resources and Workshops

  1. The Center for Faculty Excellence is pleased to bring weekly tips to your inbox through Monday Morning Mentors. These are quick video presentations with additional materials provided. The presentation and supplemental material for “How Can I Incorporate Best Practices into My Online Teaching?” are available through February 9. To access the presentation, use “online791” as the password.
  2. Wright State Online, in association with the Center for Faculty Excellence, will host workshops focusing on ADA compliance:
  • February 14 from 1:30–3:00 p.m.: Compliant Documents: Best Practices
  • February 21 from 1:15–2:10 p.m. and February 25 from 2:00–2:50 p.m.: Mapping Program to Institutional Learning Outcomes
  • February 28 from 1:30–3:00 p.m.: Alt Text and Images: Best Practices
  • March 14 from 1:30–3:00 p.m.: Recorded Lectures: Video Best Practices
  • March 21 from 1:15–2:10 p.m. and March 25 from 2:00–2:55 p.m.: Introduction to Academic Program Review
  • March 28 from 1:30–3:00 p.m.: Graphic Design: Best Practices
  • April 11 from 1:30–3:00 p.m.: Pilot/LMS: Best Practices for Instructional Design and Course Organization
  • April 18 from 1:15–2:10 p.m. and April 22 from 2:00–2:55 p.m.: Entering Course Assessment Results

    Register for a workshop.
  1. The Center for Faculty Excellence will continue the Quality Matters (QM) Applying the QM Rubric (APPQMR) (7th Edition) Workshop on Friday, March 21, from 9 a.m.–4 p.m.

    Participants will learn about drafting helpful recommendations as you apply the rubric to an actual course. The effective instructional design principles included in the workshop apply to all learning environments (face-to-face, online, and blended learning). This workshop is helpful for designing and developing courses and for those considering the adoption of a quality assurance process for online and hybrid learning.

    The APPQMR Workshop is an eight-hour, one-day online session. Registered participants will receive information about the session—including the Webex link—the week of the class.

    Register for a workshop.

Research and Sponsored Programs

  1. Hanover Research will host several webinars throughout the spring, summer, and fall semesters. Information and registration for the presentations, which cover a wide variety of research topics, are now available.
  2. Registration is open through February 13 to present at the Celebration of Undergraduate and Graduate Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activities event, which will be held on Thursday, March 13.

    The event gives students from a wide array of disciplines the opportunity to showcase their academic endeavors. Students will exhibit posters and present discoveries, advances, and scholarly explorations. We encourage students to register to present as it is a wonderful opportunity to showcase their incredible talents and achievements and highlight the outstanding resources in your college.

When a Student Needs Support

Wright.edu/help is a great resource for helping students or making referrals. This site contains contact information for emergency or essential departments that can assist your students all in one location.

I am grateful for your dedication to promoting student success. I hope you have a wonderful and productive week!

Jim Denniston, Ph.D.
Acting Provost