
[OFFICIAL-L] Revisions to Faculty Teaching Load Policy

Dear Colleagues,

I want to draw your attention to revisions the Provost’s Office has made to Policy 2020 Faculty Teaching Load. The revisions were implemented following an evaluation of feedback from faculty members and an assessment of the prior policy’s impact on both students and faculty.

So that the revised policy can guide the academic units in setting faculty teaching load for the 2025-2026 academic year, the revised policy has been posted as a temporary/emergency policy subject to University policy 0001.3.

The changes to the policy that may directly impact faculty are in the following sections:

2020.3: The academic year base teaching load for NTE faculty has been reduced from 30 credit hours per academic year to 24 credit hours per year. The fiscal year base teaching load for NTE faculty has been reduced from 36 credit hours per year to 30 credit hours per year. The academic and fiscal year base teaching loads for TET are unchanged.

2020.3: The teaching load for faculty who do not meet stated minimum levels of research or service productivity will not be increased beyond the base teaching load of 24 credit hours for academic year faculty or 30 credit hours for fiscal faculty. Instead, those faculty will be subject to periodic review for the purpose of remediation and provided set targets and timelines for progress.

2020.5: The language regarding teaching credits has been revised to clearly limit the accumulation of teaching credits to faculty engaged in the sole supervision of student research that is otherwise uncompensated or off-load. The restriction that graduate students so supervised be full-time has been removed.

We invite comments on the revised policy by 9 a.m. on February 14. Details about the revisions and a form to submit comments are available at policy.wright.edu/proposed-policy-changes.


Jim Denniston, Ph.D.
Acting Provost