7410.1 General Policy
All persons must comply with the Wright State University parking policy and applicable laws.
The owner, operator, and permit holder are jointly responsible for ensuring that their vehicle is properly permitted before parking it on campus.
The following policies apply to all vehicles operated on campus, including but not limited to motor vehicles, motorcycles, and bicycles:
- Pedestrians have the right of way at all times.
- Parking permits are required in all parking lots from 6 am until 10 pm, Monday through Thursday, and from 6 am until 4 pm on Friday. Parking spaces marked ADA accessible, restricted or reserved, and/or designated visitor parking are restricted at all times for designated vehicles.
- A vehicle with any valid permit (including visitor permits) may park in any designated Rowdy Parking space from 4pm until 6am daily.
- Residential areas are restricted at all times without a valid parking permit or visitor permit.
- Each operator is responsible for locating and parking within a designated parking space. Lack of an available parking space is not a justification for parking improperly.
- The University does not assume, and specifically disclaims, any and all liability for loss, damage, or destruction of vehicles or contents operated or parked on property owned, leased, or controlled by the University. Operating and parking vehicles on University property is at the operator’s sole risk. By operating or parking a vehicle on campus, the operator assumes all liability for bodily injury and/or property damages resulting from the same, and acknowledges and agrees to release, indemnify, and hold harmless the University from and against any and all related claims. Issuance of a parking permit shall not create a bailment on the part of the University.
- The purchase of a parking permit guarantees the right to park on University property, but not the availability of parking in the permit holder’s preferred lot.
- Parking permits are sold and issued only by the Department of Public Safety.
- University funds may not be used to purchase parking permits for any employee, including those hired through temporary employment agencies and adjunct professors.
- The permit holder, vehicle owner, and vehicle operator are jointly and severally liable for all citations and fees associated with the vehicle.
- Linking the vehicle and vehicle license plate to the permit is the responsibility of the permit holder.
- Only one permit may be purchased, issued, or used per individual. Each individual who operates or parks a vehicle on University property must hold their own permit; permits may not be shared, assigned, or re-sold.
- Due to the limited availability of restricted parking spaces, the sale and issuance of permits may be discontinued at the discretion of the Department of Public Safety.
- Parking regulations are in effect at all times.
- The maximum vehicle speed limit on all campus roads, as well as in all parking lots, is 20 mph, unless posted otherwise.
- Overnight parking outside of residential areas is prohibited unless authorized in writing and in advance by the Department of Public Safety.
- Vehicles must be parked completely inside the specified parking space.
- Two- or three-wheeled motor vehicles must park in lined out corners at the end of rows, except those next to ADA accessible spaces and fire lanes. If a lined-out area is unavailable, one may use a standard sized parking space that correlates with the appropriate parking permit.
- Wright State University parking permits are not valid in Nutter Center lots during events at the Nutter Center.
7410.2 Bicycle Parking
Bicycles must be parked in bicycle racks. Bicycles may not be parked in campus buildings (except student residence hall rooms) or locked to trees, light/sign posts, fences, handrails, etc.
Riding bicycles on sidewalks and other pathways is permitted. (Pedestrians have the right-of-way, and bicycle operators may be liable to pedestrians for injuries caused by unsafe or negligent operation.) Riding inside campus buildings and tunnels is not permitted.
7410.3 ADA Accessible Parking Permits
To park in ADA accessible parking spaces, operators must display a valid state-issued disability placard or license plate in addition to having a valid University parking permit.
The hashed area directly next to a designated ADA accessible parking space is considered to be part of the parking space. Vehicles parked in hashed areas are subject to citation or towing at owner’s expense.
7410.4 Permits and Prices
The University offers four types of parking permits: general parking, “Rowdy Parking,” visitor parking, and service (“S”) parking.
- General Parking. Students may purchase a general parking permit on a semesterly or academic year basis. Employees may purchase a general parking permit on an annual basis and will be charged only for the months they are in an active pay status. A general parking permit authorizes the permit holder to park in any parking space not marked restricted or reserved, designated visitor parking, or Rowdy Parking. The cost of a general parking permit is waived for students enrolled in the College Credit Plus program.
- Rowdy Parking. Students or employees may purchase an upgraded Rowdy Parking permit on an annual basis. A Rowdy Parking permit authorizes the permit holder to park in any parking space, including Rowdy Parking spaces, not otherwise marked restricted or reserved, or designated visitor parking.
- Service Parking. Service (“S”) permits are available only to University vendors. An “S” permit authorizes the permit holder to park in any parking space not otherwise marked restricted or reserved, designated visitor parking, or Rowdy Parking.
- Visitor Parking. Visitor permits are available to campus visitors who are not students, employees, or vendors. Visitor permits may be acquired by University departments/units on behalf of their visitors by emailing parking@wright.edu in advance, or by the visitor themselves at the visitor parking booth at the entrance to Lot 2. A visitor parking permit authorizes the permit holder to park in any parking space, including Rowdy Parking and designated visitor parking, not otherwise marked restricted or reserved. University personnel hosting large events of non-students/non-employees must contact the Department of Public Safety in advance of the event to coordinate event parking.
The Department of Public Safety may restrict or reserve parking spaces, and issue restricted or reserved parking permits, in its discretion.
7410.5 Citations and Penalties
Unless cited under municipal ordinance or state law, parking citations are subject to the following penalties:
- Unauthorized use of an ADA accessible parking space and/or parking within the adjacent hashed area (without a state-issued disability license plate or placard displayed): $250 - $500 plus towing and related costs.
- Obstructing a fire lane, impeding the flow of vehicular or pedestrian traffic, or parking in a road or pedestrian access area (including ADA accessible ramps and pathways): $100 plus towing and related costs.
- Parking in an area not designated for parking, parking outside of parking space lines / not within a single space: $50, plus repair of damage to University property and/or towing and related costs.
- No permit, improper permit / parked in an improper space, or improperly-displayed permit: $75.
- Displaying an illegal parking permit, a permit that has been reported lost or stolen, or a permit that has been reproduced or altered: $100 plus towing and related costs.
- Unauthorized extended parking (vehicles parked overnight outside of residential areas, unless authorized in advance by the Department of Public Safety): $100 plus towing and related costs.
- Other violations of this Policy: $100.
A separate citation may be issued for each violation. A separate citation may be issued for multi-day violations.
In addition to citations and fines, violating this policy may result in disciplinary action (up to and including expulsion and/or termination of employment) under other University policies.
The University may place a “registration hold” and/or “transcript hold” on the account of any student with outstanding parking citations or fines. A permit holder with outstanding parking citations or fines may be denied a new or renewal permit.
7410.6 Towing
In lieu of, or in addition to, citing a vehicle, the University has discretion to tow any vehicle that is:
- Improperly parked in an ADA accessible space or the adjacent hashed area;
- Improperly parked in a parking space marked as reserved, restricted, designated visitor space, including Rowdy Spaces if the vehicle does not have a valid Rowdy Parking permit;
- In a marked fire lane;
- Improperly parked:
- In a manner that creates a hazard to public safety;
- In a manner that blocks access to construction sites or projects;
- In a manner that obstructs or impedes the flow of vehicular or pedestrian traffic (including ADA accessible areas);
- In a roadway or other area not designated as a parking space;
- Has more than $200 in outstanding/unpaid citations or fines;
- Is not lawfully registered with valid license and registration visible;
- Parked overnight outside of residential areas unless authorized in advance by the Department of Public Safety.
The vehicle owner, permit holder, and operator are jointly and severally liable for all towing, storage, recovery, and related costs, all of which must be paid before the vehicle will be released.
In lieu of towing, the University reserves the right to place an immobilization device (“boot”) on vehicles.
The University is not responsible for damage resulting from vehicle towing or immobilization.
7410.7 Fine Payments
Fines may be paid with check, Visa, MasterCard, or Discover Card online through Parking Services or by mailing the Violation Notice with the appropriate fine amount to Parking and Transportation. Do not mail cash; a canceled check, money order stub, or bank statement will serve as a receipt. The Violation Notice must be included with the fine payment.
Any citation that has not been paid or appealed within one month of issuance shall be considered unresolved.
7410.8 Appeals
Citations may be appealed to the Department of Public Safety. Appeals not filed within thirty (30) days of the citation are untimely and may be summarily denied. Appeal applications and instructions are available at the Department of Public Safety website.
Appeals will be determined by a committee of three people appointed by the Director of Public Safety: one (1) student, one (1) faculty member, and one (1) staff member. The Committee will grant an appeal in which the appellant demonstrates by a preponderance of the evidence that a citation was wrongly or illegally issued. Other appeals may be approved in the discretion of the Committee.
If an appeal is denied, the associated fine is immediately due.
7410.9 Permit Fees and Payments
Parking fees shall be established within the annual fiscal year budget process. Current fees are available at https://www.wright.edu/public-safety/parking.
Effective January 1, 2023: For convenience, employees may be automatically registered for an annual “General Parking” permit, and enrolled in the monthly payroll deduction program for the permit price. Employees may upgrade to a Rowdy Parking permit, or opt-out of automatic registration, payroll deduction, or both. Upgrade and opt-out instructions are available on the Department of Public Safety website, and will be emailed to all employees' official @wright.edu email accounts prior to January 1, 2023.
- Student semesterly permits will be refunded 100% if canceled before the beginning of the semester, or 70% if cancelled within the first two weeks of the semester. Refunds after the first two weeks of the semester are in the discretion of the Department of Public Safety. A partial refund is available for annual or multi-semester parking permits cancelled during their term.
- The University may deduct the amount of outstanding parking citations or fines from any parking permit refund.
- Refunds must be requested in writing from the Department of Public Safety.