Holiday closure

Winter Break: Monday, December 23 through Wednesday, January 1
Wright State University administrative and academic offices will be closed.

Cayuse Access Form

What do you need Cayuse access for?

in Which investigator's lab will you be working?

Do you need to complete a COI form?

*PHS: Public Health Services If you are unsure whether the funding agency uses PHS regulations, please visit the FDP webpage for a more extensive list of agencies

Point of contact

We may contact this person to approve your request

User Information

Residents and Interns: A Cayuse account cannot be created for you until you have a WSU username. Please submit all paperwork associated with obtaining a WSU User Account prior to completing this form.
Please enter the name of the program director.
Please describe with specific details why you are requesting Cayuse access (e.g., you work in the Arachinda lab and professor Peter Parker directed you to request access for an upcoming Human subjects study)

Contact details

(e.g., Clinical Pharmacy Specialist, Research Coordinator, etc.)
If there's a problem, we'll contact you at this email address.
If we cannot reach you by email, we'll contact you at this phone number


Requests are usually fulfilled in one business day.

Please visit Wright State's Cayuse Information page for help documents.

If you need assistance, please contact Whitney McAllister at