Orientation and Success Programs

Faculty Resources

On this page:

Administrative Drop for Non-Attendance

Wright State University recognizes that students who regularly attend and actively participate in classes taught in face-to-face or online format are more likely to succeed; therefore, Wright State expects students to attend classes regularly and punctually and to be prepared for class meetings.

For more information about establishing attendance/participation and frequently asked questions, visit Enrollment Services (RaiderConnect).

Early Alert System Frequently Asked Questions


  • What is WSU’s Early Alert System?

    Wright State University is utilizing the Progress Reports within the Raider Academic Progress System (RAPS) to enable faculty to issue at-risk alerts to help identify students in the classrooms who could benefit from early intervention.

    Early intervention is key. We are acting under a belief that identifying a student’s barrier to success earlier in the semester will provide them more time to self-correct OR to make important academic and curricular decisions regarding their path for the current semester AND to reflect on their overall path at WSU. The faster and fewer course corrections the quicker the student can reach graduation.

  • What is a Progress Report?

    Progress Reports are a product of a student information system called RAPS (Raider Academic Progress System). We use RAPS to manage WSU’s early alert initiative.

    The Progress Report is a set time during the semester that we have identified to ask faculty to identify students that may require assistance or support to pass their course. We have three to four progress report dates in the Fall and Spring semester and three in each term (A, B, & C) over the summer.

    Progress Reports do NOT include ALL students in a course. They correspond to a set of students who have been identified as at risk for that semester. For instance, we may include all New Direct from High School student (NDHS), all probation students, all new students (so- first semester transfer students). This does not prohibit faculty from reporting any student, just not using the link (see issuing an Anytime Alert).

  • How does the Progress Report work?

    Faculty will receive an email with a link to the students their classes. They will have the option of selecting students for whom they have concerns based on grades/academic performance, attendance, and other factors (see Alert categories).  

    A notes field allow faculty to provide the SRT with additional information to guide both students and SRT Success Coaches to appropriate resources. The more specific faculty can be in identifying student issues regarding performance, the easier it will be to assist the student. You can follow the directions for how to utilize Progress Reports at this tutorial: Progress Reports

  • Who is included in the Progress Reports?

    A targeted group of students that are deemed most at risk for retention are included in the Progress Reports. The targeted group can change each semester, but most likely will include new admits (transfer, readmits, direct from high school), academic probation and CCP students.

    For the most up to date information on the targeted group, email raidersupport@wright.edu.


  • How often will I receive Progress Report request?

    The SRT will send Progress Reports four times throughout the semester for the targeted groups of students that have been deemed most at risk for retention. HOWEVER, faculty can ALWAYS produce an “Anytime” Alert on students in their classes.

  • What is the focus of each Progress Report?

    Each Progress Report has a particular focus, although the SRT encourages faculty to provide information on any student at any time for any issue. For instance, just because the focus is on attendance does not mean that faculty should wait to let the SRT know if a student has indicated they are struggling to purchase their books.

    The focus for each Progress Report are broadly targeting (but not limited to) the following themes:

    • 1st Progress Report: Attendance Issues
    • 2nd Progress Report: Early indicators of academic issues
    • 3rd Progress Report: Mid-Terms: What, if anything, can the student do to earn a passing grade in the course?
    • 4th Progress Report: Is there anything the student can do to pass and/or are other options possible (e.g. incomplete/ re-taking the course in the future, etc…)

    Note: Not all faculty track attendance. Informing the SRT about the student who has never shown up/logged into pilot allows the office to identify students who may have forgotten to cancel their courses to avoid charges.

  • If a student I am concerned about has an emergency, should I issue an alert?

    The Early Alert System is not meant for emergencies that require immediate attention. Please use this resource: www.wright.edu/help for a list of appropriate resources for emergencies.

  • How do I raise an alert outside of the Progress Report? How do I issue an Anytime Alert?

    To raise an “Anytime” alert outside of the Progress Reports, access RAPS in WINGS on the right hand tab under Faculty and Advisor Resources. When you log in, faculty will see a FULL roster of their classes and can raise an alert on individual student at any time.

    Note: Some professors have both professor and advisor roles within RAPS, therefore faculty should make sure to have the professor role set to view and issue alerts on students in their classes. 

    PDF icon Issue an Alert.pdf

  • What type of language should I use in the comments of the alerts I raise?
    1. Please be brief, concise, and as bias free as possible with your language. Since this is considered part of the student record, write as if the student may be reading it someday.
    2. Do provide detailed information as it relates to the student academic performance or struggles as you perceive them.
    3. Do provide information that will aid the Success Coach and/or Academic Advisor in assisting the student.
    4. Do not provide details if the issue concerns a medical or mental health issue. Please use your discretion if the subject matter is of a sensitive nature or is complicated, such as related to an illness or family situation. If in doubt please utilize the raidersupport@wright.edu for these delicate student challenges.
    5. Do not provide intimate details about a students’ life unless it is pertinent to assisting them in passing the course. This may be difficult. It is always better to be more conservative in what you share (see #4 above).
  • What are the different alert reasons and when do I use them?
    Alert Reason Use Case   Triage Response
    Attendance Issues

    Please use this alert if the student has not:

    • Logged into your course and absence is detrimental to course success
    • Missed or failed to attend more than one class in a row without an excuse
    • Has been missing from online course participation, such as forums, where participation is part of the grade.
    • Chronic tardiness to class
      Student Retention Team first (SRT)

    • Referral to Student Advocacy & Wellness (SAWC) as necessary
    Automated email to Students (see below) and personalized response by a Success Coach. 

    To ensure student success, Wright State is using an early alert system to reach out to students when an area of concern is noted.  Your instructor is concerned about your attendance in the listed course.  Class attendance is critical to academic success. Poor attendance can negatively impact your course grade. We highly recommend you reach out to your professor immediately to ensure that you understand the attendance requirements in the course.

    We care about your success and want to help support you as a student, especially if something is affecting your ability to attend class. Please schedule an appointment with your academic advisor as soon as possible if you need to adjust your course schedule. You may be hearing from a Success Coach or a member of the Student Retention Team to check-in.
    Grades: Missing assignments and/or low test scores
    Please use this alert if the student is: 
    • Struggling academically and has not been responsive to your suggestions
    • in danger of not passing the course
    • struggling with their writing and could benefit from an introduction to the writing center
    • in need of tutoring assistance
    Student Retention Team first (SRT)
    Automated Email to Students (see below)  

    To ensure student success, Wright State is using an early alert system to reach out to students when an area of concern is noted.  Your instructor is concerned about your missing coursework and/or the quality of your academic work.  Course assignments are an opportunity to apply course material and get feedback from your instructor.

    Your Academic Adviser can help you get back on track to successfully complete the course.  Please note only your instructor can provide you information on your current grade and/or missing assignments.

    Please schedule an appointment with you Academic Adviser as soon as possible to work together to create a plan for your academic success.  If you have not done so already, please also contact your instructor to discuss their concerns about course performance.

    The Academic Success Centers in 122 SC offer many resources for help, including: Tutoring Services, the University Writing Center, and the Math Learning Center.  You can learn more about these resources from your Academic Adviser during your meeting.

    If you have any questions or concerns you can reach out to the Success Coaches at raidersupport@wright.edu.
    Financial Aid /Funding /Resource Issues

    Please use this alert if:

    • The student has articulated that funding or affording school is a barrier to their success in the classroom.
    • They cannot afford “books” 
    • The student has articulated issues with their “financial aid.”
    • Car/Transportation problems
    • Daycare
    • Insufficient resources to pay for daily living (e.g. food insecurity)
      SRT first to determine if the issue is related to understanding or utilizing financial aid

    •  IF it is related to personal funding that impacts external needs outside of financial aid, then shifted to SAWC

    Personalized Response from an appropriate staff member (i.e. Raider Connect, Success Coach, or Student Advocate). 
    Technological Barriers


    Please use this alert if the student:

    • Has indicated they do not have an adequate computer or other hardware
    • Has indicated they do not have access to a reliable internet source
    • Has connectivity issues
    • Is struggling to use/understand WSU’s digital/virtual interface (WINGS, WINGS Express, Pilot, etc.)
    SRT to assess Hotspot and refer to CATS

    • Referral to CATS, SAWC or appropriate office to assist student
    Automated Response (see below) and follow up by Success Coach.

    Your instructor has indicated that you are experiencing some technological barriers to success in ___________________ course. 
     If you need hardware support or to borrow a webcam, laptop, or other equipment, please contact CaTS (937-775-4827) directly. 
    If you have internet access problems (e.g. do not have reliable internet service)  please send an email with your name UID, and active phone number to raidersupport@wright.edu to see if you are eligible for a free hotspot.
    Additionally, some classroom and computer lab spaces across campus are reserved for open study areas. View locations and hours.
    You will be contacted by a Success Coach in the next 24-48 hours to follow up on your faculty members request to identify a solution to your technological issues. If you have found a solution or would like to schedule a time to talk with someone, please email raidersupprt@wright.edu or call 937-775-5000.
    Emotional Well-Being/Physical Safety

    • Note: RAPS is not a replicant for an emergency. If a student has articulated that they are suicidal or in serious duress please contact 9-11 right away. 
    Please use this alert if the student:
    • Has major resource issues that go beyond school such as homelessness, food insecurity, hygiene
    • Has shared that they are experiencing mental or (e.g. depression or anxiety) or physical (e.g. pain, dizziness, mobility, etc.) medical issues as it relates to their studies. 
    • Has experienced a death in the family
    • Has shared a sense of isolation, lack of belonging, in-ability to find friends
    • Has shared a power-based violence scenario (e.g. abusive spouse, parent)
    • Parenting challenges
    • Shared a bias related incident that could include racism, sexism, homophobia, or other derogatory comments aimed as personal or demographic characteristics. 
      SAWC will evaluate first and refer as necessary A Student Advocate or Success Coach will reach out directly to talk with the student. 
    Other barriers to academic success  Use this when nothing else works. 
    • Military/Guard/Reserve Student on deployment
    • International student issues (e.g., visa, work permit, etc.)
    • Academic Petitions
    • Behavioral issues
      SAWC will evaluate first and refer as necessary A Student Advocate or Success Coach will reach out directly to talk with the student.



  • Why do an Early Alert intervention?

    For WSU to function we must have students and we must have them be successful. In this context we are equating success with completion of academic milestones in particular completing their courses with a passing grade. If they can do that, they can persist to the next semester. If they persist, they are checking items off their degree plan and are progressing towards graduating. If they persist and progress for a year, we retain them. If we retain them long enough, they graduate.

  • What is WSU’s retention rate?

    Our current retention rate for the 2019 Fall cohort of entering students is about 64.5%. That is an increase of about 2% from last year when it was about 62%.

  • Why is it important that I participate in WSU’s Early Alert Initiative?

    Issuing an alert provides the SRT the opportunity to reach out to students who may be struggling with issues beyond the classroom. Faculty’s participation in these alerts will help the SRT optimize resources across the campus service units to provide the right interventions through our coordinated care network in Student Affairs, Equity and Inclusion, and Student Success.

  • Are students notified when I raise an alert?

    When you issue an alert for Attendance Issues, Academic Concerns, or Technological Barriers your students will receive an email from the system indicating that the instructor of “X” class has issued an alert. No other category chosen will send an email notification of the alert directly to the students.  The Success Coaches will follow through given the directions you place in RAPS.


  • What happens when I issue an alert?

    When faculty issue an alert on a student, this will generate a “Case” in RAPS that will be managed by the SRT. Each student is assigned to one Success Coach regardless of the number of alerts. Cases are assigned by the alphabet.

    The Success Coaches will reach out to students using email (WSU and Personal), phone, and text to encourage students to participate in class or put them in touch with appropriate resources, including meeting with the Success Coach or Academic Advisor. If the Success Coach has been successful in interacting with the student and they feel like there is nothing else to be done with this specific alert, the Success Coaches will close the “case.”

  • What happens when I receive a “Case Closed” email?

    The Success Coaches will make every effort to contact a student to address the specific alert.

    If they contact a student, they will have a discussion based on the context of the alert and the faculty’s directions and comments. Their actions may end after a single conversation with a student or they may include referrals to other offices and resources on campus.

    If the Success Coach is unable to make contact with the student within six days after multiple attempts, they may also close the case due to no response.

    The SRT cannot make students take certain actions and they do take students at their word. For example, if a student says “I’m ok, I understand what I have to do” that may indicate to the Success Coach that they have fulfilled their obligation in the spirit of the alert. 

    It may also mean that by the next alert the student may not have addressed that particular issue and faculty may need to inform the SRT again about the same student.

    Since RAPS currently functions with the alert issuing a case, RAPS automatically will tell faculty when the case is closed. If you want specific information about why the case was closed, please reach out to the Success Coach.

  • How do I know what actions were taken to support the student based on my issued alert?

    Faculty can log into RAPS directly (follow the directions for issuing an Anytime Alert and fast forward to 2:37) to read the comments of what actions were taken by the Success Coach. You can also contact the Success Coach directly and ask them about the resolution of the case. Cases are assigned by the alphabet.

    Case Outcome Descriptions

    Case Outcome Response Notes
    Referred to Tutoring The student was referred to Tutoring Services or is using the services already.  
    Met with Advisor The student will/has connected with an advisor.  
    Student Contacted, No Response The student was contacted multiple times through various methods (calls, texts, Wright State email, personal email, etc.). However, the Success Coach received no response from the student.   
    Further Action Not Required; Student Contacted The student spoke/met with a Success Coach and/or was referred to appropriate campus resources. No further action is needed at this time.  Please reissue an alert if problems persist.
    End of Term Any remaining cases are closed automatically when the term concludes. These cases are closed if they are related to a specific course for the term. Non-course related concerns, financial, technology, emotional well-being will be addressed after the term ends.
    Student Withdrew from Course The student indicated that they intend to withdraw from the course.   
    Recommended to Follow up with Professor The student indicated that they did/will discuss the alert with the professor. No further action needed at this time.  Please reissue an alert if problems persist.
    Student Declined Support The Student indicated that they did not want to work with a Success Coach.  
    Created Academic Success Plan (ASAP) The Success Coach and the student created an academic success action plan to address the student’s area of concern, semester goals, and the steps needed to stay on track academically. Please reach out to the Success Coach if you would like more information on the student’s academic success action plan. Please reissue an alert if problems persist.
    Referred to CaTS The student was referred to CaTS for a technical issue or to check out computer equipment.  


  • Since we have a Student Retention Team, does this mean I should stop my personal retention efforts?

    Faculty’s personal contact and outreach to students are incredibly valuable. The SRT efforts are meant to supplement work faculty already do, not replace it. The SRT adds a layer to support students who are unable, unwilling, or do not know to ask faculty questions directly. Faculty should not stop outreach to students who are not attending or struggling in the classroom.  

Additional Assistance

  • I am not as comfortable with new technology such as RAPS. Is there any other way I can communicate student concerns?

    If you are uncomfortable with the technology or have a student issue that is particularly sensitive in nature, you may use the raidersupport@wright.edu email to inform us of the students’ particular challenge.

  • Who do I reach out to if I have questions or feedback regarding the Early Alert System?

    You can contact the SRT at 937-775-5000 or email raidersupport@wright.edu

  • Can I contact a student via text message using RAPS?

    Here's how to contact a student via text message using RAPS:

    1. Log into RAPS and select the Professor Home option.
    2. Click next to the student you would like to text. Then click on the Actions drop-down and click on the Send Message option.
    3. Select the Send Text option and enter your text. Press Send Message when you are satisfied with your message. You can respond to the text message by clicking on the message notification icon.

    View step-by-step screenshot instructions (PDF)


5 Tips for Maximizing RAPS Progress Reports

Download a printable version of these tips (PDF)


Identify Students at Risk

Proactively track students that are at risk in your course based on your course standards. This will make it easier to quickly respond and target at-risk students on your progress report.


Do Not Wait

Respond to Progress Report requests even if you have no students at risk. Progress reports are issued 3-4 times per semester. However, if you notice a concern with a student's course progress, you can issue an anytime alert outside of the progress report request.


Low-stakes Assignments

Create low-stakes assignments such as a syllabus quiz within the first two weeks of the semester to assess student engagement. Early participation and active engagement are necessary to ensure course success.


Get Specific

Provide details in the comments of relevant information relating to the student alert and supply specific strategies for course improvement.


Keep Connected

Reach out to the Retention Team for questions about the alert process, cases, and interventions. We are here to help you support your student.


Additional Resources

Your personal contact and outreach to students are incredibly valuable. Assisting us in our early intervention initiatives provides the student retention team the opportunity to reach out to students who may be struggling with issues beyond the classroom. Your participation in our retention efforts help us to optimize resources across the campus service units and provide the right interventions through our coordinated care network in student affairs, equity and inclusion, student success, and student retention. The following resources are available to assist you in participating in our retention efforts:

RAPS Progress Report Video Tutorial
Anytime Alert Video Tutorial


Who Do I Contact?

If you encounter any students with the following issues, please reach out to one of the resources below.

Student Advocacy and Wellness

  • Self-harm
  • Behavioral issues
  • Power-based violence (relationship-based, physical or sexual abuse)
  • Loneliness
  • Isolation
  • Test anxiety
  • Medical issues and emergencies
  • Drug and alcohol abuse
  • Housing issues (e.g., homelessness)
  • Food insecurity
  • Family issues
  • Mental health (not a referral for counseling)

Contact Student Advocacy and Wellness

Access services call/text: 937-260-0167
Serious mental health issues call Raider Cares (24 hr line): 833-848-1765 or TTY: 341-485-4345

For direct referrals to Counseling & Wellness: 937-775-3407
To anonymously report about a student or staff member visit wright.edu/anonymous-reporting

Student Retention Team

  • Proactively outreach to students to provide support for academic-related challenges
  • Support students with developing an individualized action plan to overcome academic barriers
  • Connect and refer students to academic and student support services based on the student's individual needs (Student Advocacy & Wellness, Disability Services, Tutoring, etc.)
  • Assist students in navigating university policies and procedures (e.g., academic petitions, registration processes, university deadlines)

Issue an alert in RAPS for the student via:

  • Access RAPS in WINGS on the right-hand tab under Faculty and Advisor Resources.
  • When you log in, you will see a FULL roster of your classes and can raise an alert on individual student at any time.

Note: Some professors have both professor and advisor roles within RAPS, therefore faculty should make sure to have the professor role set to view and issue alerts on students in their classes. 

Please be aware that RAPS is for issuing student academic concerns and not checked after business hours (Monday-Friday 8:30-5:00 pm).

Contact Student Retention Team

Call: 937-775-5000
Email: raidersupport@wright.edu