News and Events
Dennis J. Andersh, a nationally renowned senior executive in management and research, has joined Wright State University to spearhead the growth of its use-inspired and applied research portfolio.
Excerpt Thanks to Wright State University’s LEAP program, students from throughout the world are sharing their cultures — and their cuisine — with others in the Miami Valley. LEAP stands for Learning English for Academic and Professional Purposes. One of …
For the first time in the Dayton area, students are being invited to participate in a public professional pledge similar to those taken by CFA Charter holders, law students, medical students and others.
A biologist who swam among sharks and rays in the waters off Cuba. A Pittsburgh engineer interested in doing research on heart valves. A chemist, a food industry expert, a graphic designer, a sociologist and two literature experts.
December Green, director of international studies at Wright State, was named recipient of the university’s 2013 International Education Award.