Holiday closure

Winter Break: Monday, December 23 through Wednesday, January 1
Wright State University administrative and academic offices will be closed.

Anonymous Reporting

Wright State University is committed to preventing, detecting, and correcting violations of law and university policy.

Each member of the Wright State community shares this responsibility.

Persons may report concerning behavior anonymously by calling the Toll-Free HOTLINE at 1-855-353-3783 or by using the EthicsPoint website.

  • EthicsPoint is a system that allows people to report suspected illegal or unethical conduct anonymously.
  • It is used by thousands of organizations, including hundreds of educational institutions.
  • EthicsPoint is separate from Wright State and does not generate IP log files, so neither Wright State nor EthicsPoint have a means of identifying reporters.
  • Wright State will only receive the information that the reporter chooses to submit.

Wright State University is providing this anonymous reporting service because we want to know about any potentially illegal or unethical activity at Wright State so we can address and correct it.

EthicsPoint is not a 911 or Emergency service. If you need emergency assistance, call 911.