BSOM Advancing the Tradition

Sunday, October 1, 2017, 11:30 am to 2 pm
Gandhi Medical Education Center at White Hall Wright State University
Current Students

Dear Alumni,

Does your son or daughter want to follow in your footsteps and go to medical school? Need help through the rigorous review proccess?

Join us for an informational session led by Gary LeRoy, M.D.,’88, that will help you get answers. Whether their dream is to attend Boonshoft School of Medicine like you did, or to apply to another medical school, the discussion will provide you with knowledge of the selection process.
Brenda Roman, M.D., will also share information on the WrightCurriculum. This new curriculum, launched July 2017, was designed to ensure our future graduates can meet the challenges of a rapidly evolving health care environment.

This event is part of Wright State University’s 50th anniversary celebration and Homecoming Weekend. For a full list of events on campus, visit

Please R.S.V.P. by September 25, to Nicki Crellin at or call (937) 245-7634.

For information, contact
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