Raider Open House

Online Education


Jun 17, 2021
The surveys have helped the university learn what faculty and students experienced while teaching and taking remote courses.
May 18, 2021
Mathematics and English faculty members participated in a certificate program offered by the Association of College and University Educators.
May 4, 2021
The Motion Pictures Program found innovative ways to engage students during Spring Semester, providing access to successful film and television professionals.
May 1, 2021
Wright State President Sue Edwards called attention to students' resolve as the university and the broader community emerged from a fully COVID-impacted school year.
Apr 28, 2021
Wright State’s Master of Business Administration Program develops managers and leaders whose understanding and vision encompass the total organization.
Mar 25, 2021
An innovative program provides online wellness coaching for graduate students in the Student Affairs in Higher Education Program.
Mar 19, 2021
The Master of Science in Leadership Development helps practitioners develop critical leadership competencies for today’s workforce.
Mar 8, 2021
For Wright State M.B.A. student Asil Khalil Far, participating in business classes from halfway around the world in the middle of the night is worth it.
Feb 26, 2021
Social justice, educational technologies and bringing calmness to the classroom will be the focus of the virtual WSUNER “Learn Local” Conference.
Feb 25, 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic is driving interest from out-of-area students in the M.B.A. program offered by the Raj Soin College of Business.


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