Claims/Loss Reporting
Automobile Claims Reporting
- Incidents or claims involving university-owned, leased, loaned, or rented vehicles are to be reported to the employee's supervisor and the Office of Risk Management, at 937-775-3908.
- A copy of the motor vehicle accident reporting kit (PDF) should be placed in all university-owned, leased, loaned, and rented vehicles. It contains a form for reporting an accident. In the event of an accident, the form must be completed and forwarded to Risk Management, 937-775-3908, as soon as reasonably possible after the incident.
- If the incident occurs on campus, the campus police must be notified and a report provided to Risk Management.
- If the incident occurs off-campus, the appropriate law enforcement agency is to be contacted and a report provided to Risk Management.
- If another party causes damage to a university-owned, leased, loaned, or rented vehicle, the Wright State University will seek to recover the damages from the responsible party.
- The university's insurer does not cover damage to personal belongings of vehicle occupants.
- The university's insurer does not cover damage to personal vehicles of employees or students used on university business. The insurance company covering the vehicle is considered primary for both auto liability and physical damage exposures.
General Liability Claims Reporting
Incidents involving bodily injury or property damage to a third party require immediate notification to the Office of Risk Management, which is responsible for notifying the appropriate insurance carrier. In addition, all incidents involving an injury or illness that occurs to an individual on any university-owned or leased property or that occurs during a university-sponsored activity, regardless of location, must be reported to the Department of Environmental Health and Safety. University Policy 13275 (Reporting Injuries and Illnesses) provides complete instructions for filing a report.
Property and Equipment Loss Reporting
- The university has property insurance to protect against direct physical loss or damage to its real or personal property from events such as theft, fire, windstorm, lightning, hail, explosion, or flood. Any applicable deductibles are the responsibility of the department incurring the loss. Reimbursement will not exceed the cost to replace, repair, or restore the item to the condition that existed immediately before the loss.
- It is the department's responsibility to notify the Office of Risk Management, 937-775-3908, of a claim by filing a property loss report.
- For equipment losses, a copy of the original purchasing documents will be required.
- A police report must be filed on all claims involving theft and/or vandalism, or on any other claim of a suspicious nature.
- The university is not responsible for the loss of or damage to the personal property of employees or students. It is expected that these items would be insured through an individual's home insurance policy.
Cash Losses
All cash losses should be reported to campus police and to internal controls and audit services. That department may perform an audit to verify the amount of cash loss and make a recommendation as to the possible reimbursement of the amount of loss. It is important that any department having the responsibility for cash be familiar with the university's cash handling procedures. See University Policy 9120.