Center for Faculty Excellence


The Center for Faculty Excellence (CFE) holds events, throughout the year, that are intended to provide our teaching community with opportunities for learning and improving teaching skills, networking, sharing ideas, and viewing demonstrations of some of the new, emerging pedagogical techniques and technologies that we are exploring.


Workshop Listing

Course Design Institute (CDI)

The Center for Faculty Excellence, Wright State Online, and the Office of Disability Services is pleased to offer a Course Design Institute (CDI) to you and your colleagues as we delve into designing or redesigning one or more of your courses. To ensure we continue to uphold Wright State’s commitment to providing accessible educational opportunities for all students, including those with disabilities, the CDI will feature compliance workshops as part of the program. We want all students at Wright State University to be successful and we believe that given the right course experience, all students are capable of learning difficult things and being successful in their courses.

During the CDI you will examine what you want your students to be able to do at the end of your course and create student-centered outcomes and objectives, plan for effective activities and assessments, and create lessons that will set your students up for success. Additionally, the experts on accessibility checkers will assist all participants with this and other crucial compliance information. The Institute will be a mix of short videos, in-person discussion, and time to create your own course – with feedback. We will meet in person four times for each CDI on Fridays during Summer A-term or on Fridays during Summer B-term. Only sign up for one of the Institutes.

We are scheduled to meet in person for all four of the following times (each CDI is four sessions):

Summer B CDI

Date (Friday)


June 28


July 5


July 12


July 19


Space is limited in the Course Design Institute so please plan to apply as soon as possible.

Apply for Summer B CDI

Institute Outcomes

By the end of the Course Design Institute, participants:

  • Design (or redesign) a course that they will teach in the near future
  • Write (or rewrite) outcomes and objectives for the course
  • Plan lessons that are student-centered and engaging
  • Create a variety of assessments that allow students to give evidence of their learning
  • Plan inclusive teaching pedagogies that allow all students to succeed and feel they belong
  • Write a student-centered syllabus for the course
  • Use online compliance checkers to develop an accessible course

Please contact the Center for Faculty Excellence with any questions about this exciting opportunity!

Quality Matters (QM) Applying the QM Rubric (APPQMR) (7th Edition) Workshop

Learn the underlying principles behind the Quality Matters (QM) Rubric (7th Edition) and the critical elements of the QM quality assurance process. Learn about drafting helpful recommendations as you apply the Rubric to an actual course. The effective instructional design principles included in the workshop apply to all learning environments (face-to-face, online, and blended learning). This workshop would be helpful to a broad audience, including faculty (full-time and part-time), administrators, and staff helping to design and develop courses. It would also be helpful to anyone considering the adoption of a quality assurance process for online and hybrid learning.

In addition to learning about the QM Rubric and the course review process, participants will learn to apply the concept of alignment and draft helpful recommendations for course improvement. The APPQMR is the prerequisite for the Peer Reviewer Course, which is required to become a QM Peer Reviewer.

The APPQMR workshop is a one-day, eight-hour session. To receive credit for completion, participants must attend the entire session and participate in all workshop activities and discussions. Therefore, participants should select one of the dates listed below where their schedule permits the completion of the entire workshop.

Recorded Workshops and Presentations

We also collaborate with different groups and departments, across campus, to develop events that are specifically tailored to your needs. If you would like to request such an event, contact CFE at