On this page:
Choosing Courses
College Credit Plus (CCP) students are eligible to enroll in courses from the Wright State University Academic Catalog which meet House Bill 49 requirements, and for which they meet all course prerequisites. The online class schedule contains course CRNs and section numbers.
The subject matter of a course enrolled in under the College Credit Plus program may include mature subject matter or materials, including those of a graphic, explicit, violent, or sexual nature, that will not be modified based on CCP enrollee participation regardless of where course instruction occurs.
Visit the Wright State Campus Store to access textbook information and content.
Academic Advising
College Credit Plus students will meet with a Wright State academic advisor each semester prior to registering for courses. The advisor can assist the student with selecting the classes that best fit their academic goals, unlock their course registration, discuss important deadlines, and provide guidance and support.
If a student is taking a CCP course at their high school, our team will work directly with their high school to register them for the course.
Please refer to the High School Graduation Course Substitution Crosswalk (PDF) provided by the Ohio Department of Higher Education to see a list of college courses that can be substituted for high school requirements.
Level I Courses
In compliance with House Bill 49, students must follow the First 15 Rule and complete 15 credit hours in Level I before progressing to Level II.*
Level I Courses may be:
- A transferable course: Part of Career-Technical Assurance Guides (CTAG), Ohio Transfer 36, or Transfer Assurance Guides (TAG) or equivalent at private college/university
- Course in computer science, information technology, anatomy, physiology, or foreign language, including American Sign Language
- Technical certificate course
- 15-credit hour or 30-credit-hour model pathway course
- Study skills, academic, or career success skills course
- Internship course
- Another course that may be approved by the Chancellor on an annual basis
*Exceptions to the First 15 Rule may be made if the student wishes to continue with a course in the same subject or tests directly into a Level II course. Students who have met the required scores on AP or IB course examinations may apply the course toward their first 15 credit hours.
Arts and Humanities, Design, History, and Communication
- ART 2110 - Art History: Ancient to Renaissance
- ART 2120 - Art History: Renaissance to Contemporary
- ART 2140 - Themes in Visual Culture
- ART 2430 - Non-Western Art
- ASL 1010 - American Sign Language I
- CHI 1010 - Beginning Chinese I
- CLS 1600 - Introduction to Classical Mythology
- COM 1010 - Essentials of Public Address
- COM 1040 - Introduction to Human Communication
- COM 1520 - Mass Communication
- ED 2800 - Cultural Humility
- ENG 1100 - Academic Writing and Reading (Composition I)
- ENG 1140 - Intensive Academic Writing and Reading (Composition I)
- ENG 2040 - Great Books: Literature
- ENG 2100 - Research Writing and Argumentation (Composition II)
- ENG 2310 - Comparative Literature: Non-Western Literatures
- FR 1010 - Beginning French I
- HST 1100 - Western Civilizations to 1500
- HST 1200 - The West and the World Since 1500
- HST 2110 - American History to 1877
- HST 2120 - American History Since 1877
- LAT 1010 - Beginning Latin I
- MUS 2140 - Music in Western Culture
- MUS 2420 - Comparative Non-Western Cultures
- MUS 2900 - African American Music: America and Beyond
- PHL 2050 - Philosophy: The Big Questions
- SPN 1010 - Beginning Spanish I
- TH 2140 - Theatre in Western Culture
- EC 2000 - Economic Life
- EC 2040 - Principles of Microeconomics
- EC 2050 - Principles of Macroeconomics
- FIN 2050 - Personal Financial Decision Making
- MS 2040 - Introduction to Business Statistics
- MTH 2280 - Business Calculus
Engineering and Engineering Technology
- ISE 1110 - Engineering Science Applications for All (available in-person or online)
- ME 1040 - Engineering Design and Solid Modeling
Health Sciences
Science and Mathematics
- BIO 1010 - Medical Terminology
- BIO 1050 - Biology of Food
- BIO 1060 - Global Ecology and Diversity
- BIO 1070 - Health and Disease
- BIO 1120 - Cells and Genes
- BIO 1150 - Organisms and Ecosystems
- CHM 1010 - Introduction to Chemistry
- CHM 1020 - Elementary Organic Chemistry with Applications
- CHM 1050 - Chemistry of Our World: Living Things
- CHM 1210 - General Chemistry I
- CHM 1220 - General Chemistry II
- EES 1030 - The Paleobiology of Dinosaurs
- EES 1050 - Dynamic Earth
- EES 1070 - Sustainable Earth
- MS 2040 - Introduction to Business Statistics
- MTH 1280 - College Algebra
- MTH 1350 - Analytic Geometry and Trigonometry
- MTH 2280 - Business Calculus
- MTH 2300 - Calculus I
- PHY 1050 - Physics of How Things Work
- PHY 1060 - Astronomy
- PHY 1110 - Principles of Physics I
- PSY 1010 - Introduction to Psychology
- STT 2640 - Elementary Statistics
Social and Behavioral Sciences
- AFS 2000 - What is the African and African American Experience?
- ATH 2150 - Comparative Non-Western Cultures
- ATH 2100 - Introduction to Biological Anthropology
- ATH 2200 - Introduction to Archaeology
- GEO 2100 - Physical Geography
- PLS 2000 - Power and Politics
- PLS 2120 - American National Government
- PLS 2220 - International Politics
- PSY 1010 - Introduction to Psychology
- REL 2040 - Bible, Qur'an, and Western Culture
- RST 2620 - Regional Studies: China
- RST 2710 - Regional Studies: Africa
- RST 2810 - Regional Studies: Latin America
- RST 2910 - Regional Studies: Middle East
- RST 2920 - Regional Studies: India
- SOC 2000 - Introduction to Sociology
- SOC 2200 - Social Problems
- URS 2000 - Growth and Change in Urban Society
- WGS 2000 - Introduction to Women and Gender Studies
Level II Courses
Any other college course that is not a Level I course.
Additionally, House Bill 49 adds the following non-allowable courses:
- One-on-one private instruction course
- Course with fees that exceed an amount set by Chancellor
- Study abroad course
- Physical education course
- Course that awards P/F or S/U grades (unless the course is an internship or is a transferable course for all students enrolled)
- Remedial course and sectarian religion course
Any of these courses are non-allowable unless Chancellor approves for certificate or degree completion (six weeks prior to term request; see rule for details).
Lake Campus students should print and fill out the Lake Campus College Credit Plus Advising Form (PDF). (This form is only for students who will attend the Lake Campus in Celina, Ohio.)
Eligibility for enrollment is based on the student’s high school performance, recommendations from the high school, standardized test scores, and placement examinations. Student admission requirements are detailed on the Enrollment Process webpage.