Pilot: Quiz Tool and Respondus
This event has been canceled.
Friday, January 19, 2018, 10 am to 11:30 am
023 Dunbar Library
Current Students
Led by Chris Roberts, Associate Director, CTL. Pilot provides faculty with several options for assessing students’ knowledge throughout the term including a built-in tool for building and delivering quizzes and exams online that can be composed of text, images, diagrams, audio and video questions. Features of the Quiz & Exam tool include creating and maintaining question banks, automatic grading, multiple and time limited attempts, automatic feedback to students as well as other options. The Respondus tool can import test questions and entire test banks from textbook publishers, other test question bank software packages as well as MS Word. Participants will be given an overview of the features, given time to create several questions and a couple of assessments and explore the features and options of their quiz or exam. They will also import a question file and be shown how to copy assessments from one class/course to another.
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