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GE Core Assessment & Implementation Committee Charge

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Academic Year: 
Monday, August 31, 2015, 12 am


General Education/Core Assessment Committee

On March 17, 2014, the Faculty Senate approved a resolution requiring a review of the Wright State core and other university-wide graduation requirements at least every four years by the Undergraduate Academic Policies Committee. On April 20, 2015, the Faculty Senate tabled the report of the Ad Hoc General Education Core Review Committee indefinitely, noting the need for a thoroughgoing assessment of the current Core to be conducted to provide a basis for any change or revision to the Core.

Mission and Responsibilities

The Faculty Senate Executive Committee charges the Undergraduate Curriculum Review Committee, via formation of an ad hoc General Education Core Assessment Committee, to develop and implement an assessment of the current GE with attention to collecting data on how students have fared with the Wright State Core during the seven semesters from Fall 2012 through Fall 2015, with a focus on questions of course availability in each area, roadblocks affecting completion rates and access for students in different colleges, transfer issues, whether courses with special attributes such as IW and MC are actually addressing the outcomes for those attributes and offered in sufficient quantity and variety and across sufficient time blocks to meet student needs, among other things.  The Undergraduate Curriculum Review Committee should submit the ad hoc committee’s report to the Faculty President prior to the March 2016 meeting of the Faculty Senate. The data contained in this report will be provided to a newly convened ad hoc General Education Core Review Committee in 2016-17 which will undertake a more far-reaching review of the Core in its fourth year of implementation and recommend retention, revision or reform of its elements. The committee will request data from Institutional Research, the Registrar, the Colleges offering General Education courses and the VP for Curriculum and Instruction as needed.

The Undergraduate Academic Curriculum Review Committee is charged with overseeing the General Education/Core Assessment Committee.


 Members of the General Education Core Review Committee shall be appointed by the Senate Executive Committee and include two faculty representatives from each college offering undergraduate programs. The committee will be co-chaired by the chair of the Undergraduate Academic Curriculum Review Committee and a faculty member appointed by the Executive Committee who will serve as non-voting, ex officio members. The committee may add additional non-voting members as need to address specific policies and procedures.

Additional Attachments: 
PDF icon GE_Core_Assessment_Committee.pdf203.26 KB