How Faculty Senate Committees Are Staffed
Each year, in mid-spring quarter, the Faculty Office sends a letter to each full-time faculty member that delineates the various Faculty Senate committees. The faculty member is asked to indicate a willingness to serve on these committees by noting his/her first, second, and third choices thereon and the form is returned to the Faculty Office.
After the results of those committee preference responses have been tabulated, the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate meet to fill all committee appointments. Since most of the committees have membership slots based on constituencies (one member from COLA; one member from CEHS, etc.), the Executive Committee member from each constituency has the responsibility of selecting representatives to each committee for his/her constituency, based upon the information from the committee preference responses.
Executive Committee of Faculty Senate appoints the following Senate committees or councils:
Faculty Budget Priority Committee, Faculty Affairs Committee (non-bargaining unit), Undergraduate Curriculum & Academic Policy Committee, Buildings & Grounds Committee, Information Technology Committee, Board of Trustees Academic Affairs Committee representatives, Senate Representatives to Athletics Council, Commencement Committee, Honors Committee, Parking Advisory and Appeals Committee, Academic Integrity Hearing Panel, University Appears Panel, Judicial Review Panel, and Research Council
Once all the committee slots have been filled, each Executive Committee member contacts his/her chosen committee representatives to affirm their willingness to serve on their respective committees. The committees in turn are ratified by the Senate at the final meeting of the respective year.