Textual description for Rise.Shine. infographic
- The Rise.Shine. campaign raised a total of $167,742,525
- The Rise.Shine. campaign had 31,310 total donors 17,658 of which were first-time donors.
- The campaign had donors from all 50 states, plus Washington D.C., and 18 countries outside the U.S.
- There were 52 $1 million+ singe contribution gifts, from alumni, corporations, friends, foundations.
- 30,213 people made gifts of $10,000 or less—raising $10 million+ dollars.
- The campaign created 376 new scholarship.
- The college with the largest alumni participation was the College of Education and Human Services –3,125 alumni donors.
- There was $5,711,412 total raised from faculty/staff/retirees of Wright State.
- Generous planned gifts raised $38,561,391 from 161 donors.
This campaign funds broken down into percentage of where they were used: Individuals 30%, Environments 41%, Innovations 29%
The campaign raised $167.7 million raised which is 110% of the original $150 million goal.
The source of gifts for the campaign broken down into percentages: Corporations 47.1%, Friends 23.2%, Alumni 20.3%, Foundations 9.4%
The campaign had 13,025 alumni donors including 5,382 first-time alumni donors and 15 Wright State alumni donated $1 million or more to Rise. Shine.
There were three new buildings created with the funds from the Rise. Shine. campaign:
- Neuroscience and Engineering Collaboration Building, dedicated April 2015
- Student Success Center, dedicated October 2015
- Creative Arts Center Expansion and Modernization, dedicated November 2016
The campaign had 8 regional campaign launches
- Cincinnati Los Angeles
- Cleveland New York City
- Columbus Tampa/St. Pete
- Houston Washington, D.C.