UCIE's Newsletter: Your Wright Way To Go Global

January 2016


Table of Contents

1. La Jefa Updates- Michelle Streeter- Ferrari

2. Coming Soon in April: The Wright State International Festival

3. A Welcome from Our Associate VP-Dr. Henry Limouze

4. Thank You to Our January Collaborators

5. International Student Highlight: Ummey H. Tabassum

6. Study Abroad Student Highlight: Gabriella Clements 

7. This Month's Major Event: Salsa Samba Night

La Jefa Updates

What a busy spring semester it has been!  Since our last newsletter, our Associate Vice President for International Affairs, Dr. Stephen Foster retired from Wright State University. We welcomed Dr. Henry Limouze, retired faculty member and administrator, to serve as Interim Associate Vice President for International Affairs. UCIE also welcomed 224 new international students from 19 countries around the world to campus this semester.  We are busily recruiting for a record number 16 Ambassador Programs abroad this year.  Earlier this month, we hosted the Spring Semester Study Abroad Fair in the Millett Hall Atrium.  Thanks to the students, faculty, and staff who came out to support the fair! We were very excited to see all the students who came by our office after the fair inquiring about study abroad opportunities. Looking for something to do this winter?  We hope to see you at some of our upcoming events!  We are looking for volunteers to participate as English speakers in our UCIE Convo Club.  It is offered every Monday and Thursday from 3-4pm and is a great opportunity for you to interact with people from all over the world.  Please also join us at our 32nd Annual Wright State International Festival, formerly known as the International Friendship Affair (IFA). This family friendly event showcases our international community. This year, the event will be bigger than ever before, taking place at Wright State University's Nutter Center and even featuring live music, international foods, a flag parade, country displays, and international beers at the cash bar. Keep warm and enhance your multicultural competence at UCIE!

-Michelle Streeter-Ferrari 


Coming Soon in April: The Wright State International Festival

Experience the world at the Wright State International Festival, formerly known as the International Friendship Affair (IFA). The event will feature a flag parade, international beers, live music, cultural dances, international foods, country displays, and more. Don't miss Wright State University's largest international festival on April 3rd from 1-5pm at Wright State University's Nutter Center. Free admission for all!

 A Welcome from Our Associate VP

Greetings to all my old and new friends,

My name is Henry Limouze, and I have just begun serving as the Interim Associate Vice President for International Affairs, replacing Dr. Stephen Foster, who retired in January.  Before my own retirement in 2013, I worked at Wright State for 37 years and served as a professor of English, as the chair of three departments in Liberal Arts and as Associate Provost.  I am excited to return to the university and work with colleagues on International Education. 

The University Center for International Education enriches the educational experience of all Wright State University students, domestic and international.  There is no more important aspect of education today, since all the world’s cultures must learn to listen to and understand one another.  In the next months, I will help UCIE develop a plan for managing growth, and I will do what I can to support its many activities.  I hope to meet you soon. –Dr. Henry Limouze


Thank You to Our January Collaborators

UCIE at BBall.jpg

With another year to make resolutions, consider this the year to go global! Many great opportunities for global interactions await you right here on campus. Thank you to all the offices that collaborated with us in our efforts to provide global opportunities for students. Some collaborations from January included the following:

January 6th-Wecome Week Activity-UCIE’s Game Night: With University Activity Board

January 9th– UCIE's Discover Dayton-Ice Skating at Riverscape: With International Friendships Inc. and International Cultural Exchange

January 19th-International Women’s Gathering: Self Care and Tai Chi: With the Women’s Center and Diane He from Student Government

January 20th– Global Connections-EDGE– Boosting Resumes and Marketing Skills: With Debbie Lamp from Student Activities

International Student Highlight: Ummey H. Tabassum

1. Please introduce yourself. 

My name is Ummey H. Tabassum, from Bangladesh. I am a  graduate student of Public Administration, and International and Comparative Politics programs at Wright State University. 

 2. In what ways are you (or have been) involved on campus?

Right now I am serving in the fundraising committee of Non-Profit Leadership Alliance (NLA).  Moreover, as part of NLA I serve the community for at least 15 hours per semester. I am also working as External Officer of ICP Grad CORPS, WSU and Vice-President of Bangladesh Student Association. 

3. What has been your favorite class at WSU? Why?

Up until now all the classes I have taken are my favorites. Each course is unique and has taught me something new. Moreover, International Comparative Politics and Masters of Public Administration have been very influential in creating my career path.  Meanwhile, this semester I have taken a Model United Nations course, which is one of the greatest courses I have ever taken. The class has not only given me learning and professional experiences, but also challenging experiences, teaching me how to handle them diplomatically.

4.  What are your plans after graduation?

Right now, I want to work as a non-profit/public administrator at my dream place the United Nations, but later I also want to pursue a PhD preferably in Politics and Development Studies.


Study Abroad Student Highlight: Gabriella Clements

My name is Gabriella Clements and I studied abroad in Costa Rica. Studying abroad in Costa Rica impacted my life through food. I ate my way through all of our adventures from the zip lining through the forest and to the home cooked meals from my host mother, Luzmilda. Also, studying abroad has pushed me to think outside the borders of typical western views. It has also expanded my interest of travel writing, as the class I took was all about travel writing. The cool vibes of “Pura Vida” (pure life) will always bring back fond memories of my experience! 


Major Event This Month: Salsa Samba Night


Dance the night away as you enjoy Ohio's best salsa band, Son De Caribe, and even learn some Capoeira, Brazilian Martial Arts. Thursday, February 25th 7-10pm in the Student Union Atrium, in collaboration with the Office of Latino Affairs.