Holiday closure

Winter Break: Monday, December 23 through Wednesday, January 1
Wright State University administrative and academic offices will be closed.

Faculty Travel

Office With Large Map

Mosquito Bite Prevention for Travelers

Mosquitoes spread many types of viruses and parasites that can cause diseases like  chikungunya, dengue, Zika, and malaria.  If you are traveling to an area where malaria is found,  talk to your healthcare provider about malaria prevention medication that may be available.

The University Center for International Education offers faculty and staff of Wright State University a variety of programs to gain an international perspective on their work.

Lecturers and researchers can take advantage of Fulbright Scholarships. The International SOS program gives travelers peace of mind. International Seed Grants are available for internationalizing courses. Any area resident can help promote the Dayton region by participating in the visitor programs.

Dayton has a history of being an influential and welcoming international city. Faculty and staff travel and visitor programs help keep it that way. In addition, the Global Virtual Learning Wright State Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) program will enhance faculty engagement in international education and current offerings of exchange, study abroad and internationalize academic content.