Get personalized academic support through the Academic Success Centers.
The Academic Success Centers consist of several services to enhance your opportunities for continued and sustained academic success by providing free in-person and online tutoring, writing support, academic coaching, and Supplemental Instruction (SI). Our goal is to empower you to become a more skilled, confident, and independent learner. Peer leaders of the Academic Success Centers are College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA) certified, and they are eager to help you excel in the classroom.
Did you know? Students who receive tutoring are more than 40 percent more likely to graduate in four years.*
Math Learning Center
Free tutoring for introductory math and statistics courses. Graphing calculator rentals.
Peer Academic Coaching
Develop academic goals, time management, study skills, and accountability to maximize your success. Open to all students.
Supplemental Instruction
Specific instructor-based review sessions for select introductory courses. See SI schedule for options.
Tutoring Services
Free tutoring for several introductory courses across all colleges and majors.
University Writing Center
Get personalized help at any stage of the writing process. Sign up for writing support for any course.
Work in the Academic Success Centers
Be a tutor, supplemental instruction leader, peer academic coach, or writing coach.
"You continue to make me a better student. With your help, my grades have improved by leaps and bounds. Thank you once again for making me feel comfortable throughout the process. "
-Anthony W., student
The Academic Success Centers supports learning on campus by empowering learners at all stages of their academic journeys to become more skilled, confident, and self-directed.
To build a community of learners that utilize best practices, interdisciplinary collaboration, and data-driven decision making to support learning and growth of Wright State students, faculty, and staff, throughout their academic careers.
College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA) 
The Academic Success Centers offer a tutor training program that meets the standards of the International Tutor Training Program Certification (ITTPC). Achieving certification means that the Academic Success Centers has met the College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA) standards for tutor selection, training, direct service and evaluation.
International Center for Supplemental Instruction
Supervisors of the Supplemental Instruction (SI) program are certified by the International Center for Supplemental Instruction at the University of Missouri-Kansas City. This training addresses the procedures for selecting SI courses and SI Leaders, roles of supervisors and leaders, evaluation and funding of the program, training and supervision of SI Leaders, theoretical frameworks underlying the SI model, and effective learning strategies and SI session activities.
*Reinheimer, D., & McKenzie, K. (2011), The Impact of Tutoring on the Academic Success of Undeclared Students.