How to Submit
How to Submit Electronic IRB Submissions
Wright State University investigators are required to use the Cayuse Human Ethics module to submit applications to the Wright State IRB. All new human subject research studies must be submitted using the Initial Application Form. All forms within the HE module are “smart” forms that add/remove questions based on your responses. Therefore, it is important that you answer every available question to avoid submitting an incomplete form. The initial application form is also utilized by the IRB to make non-human subject and/or non-research determinations, as well as process external reliance registrations, delayed onset determinations, and emergency research reports.
To facilitate your use of the system, we have posted guidance documents below.
Investigator Instructions/Guidance
Cayuse Human Ethics - July 2022:
Cayuse Human Ethics Quick Start Guide (PDF)
Cayuse Human Ethics Investigators Guide (PDF)
Cayuse Human Ethics Legacy Conversion Guide (PDF)
How to Obtain Cayuse Human Ethics Module Access
Before you start a Cayuse Human Ethics submission, all investigators, as well as organizational approvers (e.g., Wright State department chairs) must have an active profile and relevant Cayuse permissions in the system.
Wright State Employees and Students
Fill out the Cayuse Access Request Form. Please note that all notifications/approvals in Cayuse are sent to your campus email so you must be able to receive your Wright State email to properly use the system. If you would like Cayuse notifications to be sent to a different email address, you may forward your campus email.
Non-Wright State Employees and Students
If you are requesting access to Cayuse, but NOT REDCap, please fill out the Cayuse Access Request Form. Provide your work email when prompted for a Wright State email.
If you need access to Cayuse AND REDCap, fill out the New Account Request Form, Please plan appropriately as it can take up to one week to obtain a Wright State account and set up access to REDCap.
If you have not used your Wright State account in some time, you may reset your password via these instructions.