Policies & Procedures
Below is a link to our official Policies and Procedures, compliance with which is mandatory for both the IRB and the research community. The Policies and Procedures define important terms and define the roles, structure, and responsibilities of the Wright State University Human Research Protection Program (HRPP).
More guidance and recommendations can be found in the Guidance Documents or Templates, Checklists & Decision Trees sections of our website.
Human Research Protection Program
HRPP Purpose and Authority
Maintenance of IRB Policies
Requests for Participation of Wright State Faculty, Staff, or Students in Research
Institutional Review Board Operations
IRB Submission and Review
Investigator Credentialing
Determination that Project is Not Research, or Does Not Involve Human Subjects
Exempt Determinations
Expedited Reviews
Convened IRB Meetings
IRB Study Closure
Study Procedures
FDA Regulated Research
Investigational Drugs and Biologics
Investigational Medical Devices
Emergency Use
Expanded Access
Humanitarian Use Devices