Wright State University strives to empower all students to excel in their lives and chosen careers. This includes maintaining high-quality educational programs, learning environments, and co-curricular offerings through a systematic assessment. This academic and co-curricular assessment system is established to provide opportunities for faculty and staff to participate in continuous improvement, ensure career-connected programs, and increase student success, ensuring that we do empower all students to excel.
Student Learning Outcomes
Student learning outcomes become the foundation for program and course development and assessment of student learning. Outcomes become our promise of what students can do upon successful completion of the program.
Student learning objectives articulate what students will learn during the program or course. Objectives indicate to students the types of learning activities and experiences they will have throughout the course or program and support instructors in building effective courses.
Outcomes Assessment
Student learning outcomes are assessed through regular course, academic program, and co-curricular program assessment cycles. The Wright State Core (general education) program is also regularly assessed as are Institutional Learning Outcomes. Other external assessments of the student learning environment are also used to support our student learning outcomes assessment efforts.
Academic Program Review
Academic Program Review (APR) is the main tool for holistic program improvement. This process, done on a five-year cycle, allows program faculty and leadership to step back and take a broader view of their program. The APR process brings together strategic planning, outcome assessment trends, and internal and external environmental factors.
Assessment Resources
A variety of resources have been created and are offered to support faculty and staff in implementing assessment activities. Wright State University uses Watermark’s Planning & Self Study system to manage assessment efforts.
Programmatic Accreditation
Programmatic accreditation provides an external validation of the institution’s efforts to ensure that specific programs operate at a high level. Wright State University partners with 18 specialized accreditors to validate the quality of our academic programs.
Evidence of Student Learning and Improvement Efforts
View reports of assessment of student learning methods, findings, and improvement efforts for the Wright State Core general education program, academic programs, and select co-curricular initiatives.
Assessment Champions
Several groups support the assessment of student learning. Membership of the Faculty Senate Core Oversight Committee, the Assurance of Learning Committee, and other assessment leaders are identified on this page.